Chapter 45

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Double dare

"It was my fault," I sighed sitting in the hospital waiting to hear from zoella. There was so much blood... a - and it was my fault for even fighting.

"Babe it's-"

"Why didn't you just walk away," Brandon stated nonchalantly. 

"Brandon it wasn't her fault-"

"Oh really?!? Because from what I heard it was your girl who was fighting knowing zoella was in between ," Brandon bit back harshly. I slumped in my chair even more. It was my fault.

"Brandon chill because we both know your just mad that you weren't there to protect her," Dylan snorted.


"Enough!" I yelled getting up and walking to the restroom that i managed to find. Lily was arrested and I was lucky to not have been. I held onto the corners of the sink and a sob broke out.
Stay strong Candice keep your cool.

Gosh I'm so fragile, but I'm very sentimental. I wish I was like derek my brother. He is so much stronger than me and doesn't put up with people. I washed my face not caring if I had make up on and dried it clean with a towel. My make up is my least worries right now. Looking back at my own reflection, I noticed the young girl within me looking back. So much guilt that I'm feeling, but I know it wasn't all my fault. I tied my hair back and took a deep breathe before I walked out.

"Candice," I heard an old too familiar voice call out. I was dissapointed to see it wasn't Dylan.

"Hey Greg," I greeted as a sigh escaped my lips. I really need to rest Atleast for now.

He noticed my odd behavior and pulled me in for a hug.

"Please tell me you honestly don't believe a word brandon said."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion. Had he heard everything that was said by the hallway.

"I heard bits of it," he clarified and I nodded my head.

"If only I didn't put fuel to the fire then maybe.... maybe zoella wouldn't be here," I stated sadly and guilt began to consume me all over again. I drew out a shakey breath and held onto him. I smelled his familiar colon and I'm glad he hasn't changed one bit. No one ever knew this but Greg and I dated a while ago. Derek was strict on me dating or letting any guy near me, let alone look at me. So I kept my relationship a secret, but me and Greg later realized we were better off friends. Even him being in the football team he hasn't changed one bit and what I find unique about him is he has never lied. Not one lie, even when he throws light farts and gets embarrassed he won't lie. So keeping our relationship was difficult, but we managed. All I had to do was make sure no one suspected anything or even ask about me and him.

"Candice," I heard Dylan say and broke away from my hug with greg. I gave a weak smile at Dylan but he wasn't looking at me. Instead he was glaring at greg and looking between us. It's as if he thinks something Is going on...? He does think something is going on!

"Dylan don't, " I immediately pipped up not wanting to deal with more problems. 

"I can see i was interrupting something," he nonchalantly stated clenching onto his jaw.

"Dylan, don't.... Candice has had a head day-"

"But your here so I guess she's okay now-"

"Stop it," I complained feeling a headache coming along.

"Why is it that I'm here worried about my GIRLFRIEND wondering where the hell she is - but I find her here hugging you," he snarled.

"Apparently you didn't look hard enough. Might I add we weren't doing anything.  I just saw her and I knew she wasn't feeling well-"

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