Chapter 8

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Surprise surprise

"Dude! Let's pick out what bikini we should wear," Riley squealed making me smile.

"I'll admit it, im really looking forward to it," I stated looking through Riley's clothes.

"I'm glad Brandon pissed off Kyle. That no good for nothing mother fu-"

"You never did tell me why you hated him?" I questioned her and noticed her lips sealed in a thin line.

"It was Freshmen year and I had met Kyle. At that time I was a bit chunky but not too much.  Anyways, Kyle had caught my attention and from then on I had developed a huge crush on him and he never knew. Well till someone told him about it and he began playing his games with me. One day he would want me and the next day he would toss me aside as if I wasn't anything. Then one day he asked me out. Stupid me said yes and  that's when I fell into his trap. He would cheat on me multiple times and what hurt the most was no one knew we were actually dating since he would deny ever dating fat Riley.  In the end I ended it not being able to take anymore of his humiliation and the mockery he would make of me. The next day he had Myra's tongue down his throat. That was only first semester of freshmen year. My mom knew about the situation and asked me to join a sport to help get my mind off of things. I saw Waterpolo as the perfect distraction but going into sophomore year it wasn't just a distraction. It was more than that, it was my life."

I looked at her face and noticed how much she truly loved Waterpolo. It's funny when we first met she was tough on me but only because a bunch of girls joined and in the first few days most of them got out.  Well only the whiney ones-oh and the one's who thought too much of themselves.

"Make sure to bring extra clothes and a jacket since it will get cold. Also bring a towel just to dry yourself of with-Shit that reminds me, I need to give Brandon a quick call," I commented face palming myself for forgetting Dylan's reminder. I reached for my phone and no shocker Brandon put himself on speed dial. A stupid smile plastered on my face since It would be something Brandon would do. I clicked the call button and held the phone right by my ear. The phone rang only once when Brandon picked up. He must of not known my number since he was in a grumpy mood.

"Who the hell is calling and what do you want!" He snapped catching me by surprise and wiping my smile away.

"You better watch that tone your using with me," I remarked sounding extra bitchy.

"Oh Shit! Zoella? I'm sorry I thought it was Myra because she keeps calling and well I don't have either of your numbers saved-speaking of Myra I heard she barged into your classroom. I swear the girls a lunatic and repulsive," he replied making me and Riley laugh.

"Is it on speaker?" he asked.

"Yea your on speaker and its nothing really. Me and you both know how she is and her threats don't mean anything to me since nothing she does will scare me away," It's true though.  Myra has tried to pull me away from Brandon freshmen year but couldn't.  Not even when she filled my locker with magets.

"Oh by the way Dylan told me to remind you that your in charge of the wood. Also he said something else but we both know im not going to tell you," I teased knowing how impatient he is with these stuff.

"Don't worry he'll tell me or else I won't bring wood and we both know I'll do it," he stated in a matter of fact. Damn him. If only his mom's fiancee wasn't a tree cutter than maybe Dylan would of asked someone else. Than again I brought up the second part. I'm just going to blame the same person I always do. which of course is Brandon.

"Oh you know he just said you don't really pay attention to anything. But that if it relates to a certain someone your ears go all up and your hearing goes all bat status." My lip twiched up hearing him groan in embarrassment.

"Well I'll see you later for our date," I quickly said than hung up.

"You so love saying our date," She mocked me looking at her ceiling while holding her hands close up to her chin and well making fun of me.

"Your so over reacting. I don't do that if anything im just excited to spend some time with my guy best friend who happened to ask me out on a date-is all," I murmured making her squeal. Truth be told I never have gone on a date but I doubt it's any different then just hanging out with someone who wants to get to know you. They only call it a date because the person must have been interested in you and might have some feelings for you. Wait? Does Brandon have feelings for me? Am I really that blind I never saw it?

Your the worlds biggest moron!

Oh shut it will you

Everyone probably noticed except you

Hello Einstein,  your my brain thus im blaming you for not picking up the signals

Oh real mature blaming anyone but yourself

Once again Einstein your apart of me!

"Hello! Earth to Zoella! " My friend yelled as she snapped her fingers in my face.

"Oh sorry I was thinking," I mumbled laying on Riley's bed.

"How about these," Riley suggested as she hovered a pair of bikinis on my head. Oh this outta be good-Wait? Crap! I completely forgot about the scars on my back. Maybe they're gone.

"Hey Riley im a use the bathroom I'll be right out," I blurted out not waiting for her response. I locked the door and pulled my shirt over my head as I tossed it on the floor. I turned my back toward the mirror and slowly turned my head.

Thank goodness my mom didn't beat me up that badly. You can hardly see any the marks. She was probably a bit drunk after my dad left. Surprise surprise,  that is nothing new. I hate her for doing this to my dad and me. Yes call me stupid that I still call Roger my dad but no matter what something inside tells me he is my dad.

"Hey hurry up with your bathroom needs because its five fifty," She announced making me throw on my shirt.

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