Chapter 9

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"Can't believe you asked out Zoella," Matt whispered to me as I help him carry the bin.

"Me either and im glad I did," I beamed as I remembered asking. Im glad my big mouth spoke the words.

"She looks... really beautiful especially today," he blurted out as he watched Zoella talking to Riley. They were talking to a bunch of new people since their social skills are good. Something about the way he said it made my fist clench. I don't like his tone and how his eyes scan Zoella as if she were something from a menu.

"Dude stop checking her out," I spat smacking his arm. He nervously chuckled knowing I was serious and the fact that I caught him red handed.

"Sorry didn't mean to check out your girl," he mumbled looking somewhere else. I was about to tell him she wasn't my girl but for some reason I couldn't say the words. I was still confused but one thing for sure is I want to take things slow for the sake of Zoella since I know she has never dated.

"Brandon," An awful familiar voice squealed. I shivered at that annoying, fake, high pitched voice. It was an unmistakable voice, Myra. From the corner of my eye I even saw Matt rolling his eyes in annoyance. 

"Hey Brandon and Matthew," she beamed waving her fingers at us. I was able to muster a smile but Matt refused to even acknowledge her. I would of done the same but if I didn't at least smile at her she would keep annoying the hell out of me.

"So why aren't you boys with everyone else," she commented making me look at her in disbelief.  Does she not see us preparing stuff and setting up? Wow, this girl must be playing dumb or naturally is one.

"Matty can you leave me alone with Brandon for a bit," she blurted out. She didn't have to tell him twice. By the time the words had left her mouth he was gone in a flash. My guess was he really couldn't Stand her.

"Brandon im just going to cut to the chase. Why don't we try dating Again?  It would make total sense since im captain in song pom and your football quarter back. Don't you miss me?  I know you do by the way you smile at me-"

"Let's get one thing straight here. There's a difference with reality and a fantasy. Quarterbacks don't always date cheerleaders or whatever you are especially not someone like you. Secondly I don't smile at you because I miss you.  Hell no! I just know you won't go away if I don't at least smile. And Lastly I like classy not Trashy." The look on her face was just priceless.  I then walked away from her and made my way over to Zoella. Her smile was so contagious that I even felt the corner of my lips raising up in a smile.

"Let's go inside the water," she chimed as she held my hand running toward the water. It was a hot day so it was great coming to the beach. I tugged on my shirt pulled it over my head and tosses it away from the water to prevent it from getting wet. I looked back and noticed Zoella's eyes scanning my body. Last time she saw me shirtless it was Freshmen year when I didn't have muscles or my six pack. One thing for sure though is she doesn't like starring at people half nude because it's werid to her.

"I'll take a picture and send it to you so you can have more time drooling over my body," I commented making her blush.

"Oh shut it Brad," she mumbled in embarrassment trying to hide the fact that she was caught. Her cheeks turned a slight pink color. I grabbed her hand and we ran into the water. Despite how cold it was it made me feel more relaxed. Zoella was giggling as I splashed her.

"Oh your so going to get it," she challenged as she splashed me. I held my hand out to cover my face as I made my way over to her. She kept splashing to try and keep me away but we both know im too good. I carried her bridal style and spun her around. She giggled hysterically and it made me smile. I set her down but as I placed her down she clutched on to me and pull me down so I would only be the one who was going to fall into the water. But I was too slick and held on to her making her fall down.

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