Chapter 27

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Movie date

Dylan Pov

"Come on babe you can't be afraid to go watch a movie with me," I huffed dramatically.

"Oh yes I can! Considering it's a movie about Zombies!" she argued. For some reason she believes Zombies will one day crawl from their graves and end humanity as we know it.

"You have to face your fears," I countered, hoping this topic will end up with her going.

"Well I guess your going by yourself then," she sang in a mocking tone. I sighed in defeat and we decided to watch an action movie. Girls and their fears!

"We're gonna be late for Class!" she gasped. I don't get why she can't just be late for once. Apparently her perfect attendance means the world to her. If we atleast got there late I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it, so deciding to save myself from the torcher of another fight, I ran while holding her hand.

Class was interesting as always. Well atleast this class since Brandon and My girlfriend are in it. I zoned out in the begining of class until candice hit me on the head lightly. I glared at her, but she was glaring at me for not paying attention She knows about my grades slipping up and also how this might affect me being in football. She more than anyone knows how much football means to me. So now she's strick on me and it's quite helpful. It might seem like it's a bother having your girlfriend nagging at you, but it really isn't-atleast not when we're studying. Things gets real interesting then. What shocked me the most was this girl was the only one who Kyle didn't try to hit on. Why? I honestly had no idea until she told me that her brother Derek, who graduated a year ago threatened to kick his ass. If there is one guy to fear, that would be Derek. Even I was scared to even try to flirt with Candice and I kid you not she is the most beautiful girl here. I began flirting with her, but only when Derek graduated. He was even skeptical about Brandon, but it was inevitable that he would end up with Zoella. Even Derek admitted to having a little thing for Zoella. But just like he admitted to somewhat liking her he got over it quick.

" Mr. Parks would you please pay attention, " Mrs. Milestone scowled making me turn to look at her.

"Can you- uff.... I mean of course," I bit out trying not to scream in pain. She eyed me weirdly as if this nice attitude of mine was just some act. Which it was. Giving up she went back to teaching the class. 'What the fuck' I mouthed to Brandon who was actually sitting next to me and managed to kick me hard in this four block seat arrangement. The idiot acted as if I wasn't there and kept looking at the teacher. Lately he's been looking tired. I only noticed that since he stopped talking alot in class. Later I found out why he's had his panties in a twist. Turns out Zoella hadn't been feeling well. I was actually really concerned and even begged her not to die or else my boyfriend brandon would never be satisfied with just me. Of course I was only joking around. Sorry brandon but I would NOT go gay for you. Me and Candice had actually been walking with her to class making sure she's alright. Even Nathan and Rikey are there to help, but Riley tends to aviod Nathan at all cost. Even Rivers is acting weird. He's a bit more aggressive and stronger. This guy is serious about his work outs. Funny how everyone's changing and I'm still the same goof ball.


Once the bell had rung and Brandon had walked out of class I punched him on yhe shoulder. He was so surprised he let a little girly scream escape his mouth. He threatened to hit me, but I thanked the lords once Zoella made her way toward us.

"So what's going on?" she chirped looking at us weirdly.

"Well... your boyfriend screams like a girl and I managed to not get detention for the first time," I said in a sarcastically positive tone still upset about my leg. Zoella caught on quickly but high fived me for my happy attitude. I frowned and kept rubbing my knee. It was actually hurting real badly that I concluded I had to go to the nurses office to get some ice pack or some shit!

I bid them farewell, but Zoella offered to go with me since she needed an ice pack for her head. The nurse is super chill and will write passes with an excuse. Turns out Brandon really did hurt me and I had a huge bruise on my leg. That basturd! Zoella promised to kick him twice as hard in my defense and then left.

"Okay now Dylan your leg should get better by tomorrow and I'll write you your pass," she beamed writing me my note. I thanked her and tripped over my own shoelace down the hall. Who does that?!?! Oh yeah, ME!

I grumbled and began tying my shoe lace.

"Zoella why do you have to make this so hard. I'm not letting you go so easily babe-"

"Why should I listen to you! Just get over me!" Zoella yelled getting frustrated.

"I can't! For some reason I can't let you go and I'm not about to. Physically I am attracted to you but I want you to be my girlfriend and I will do whatever it takes and that includes eliminating my competition. Yes I have issues but I only go crazy for things that I can't have," Kyle hissed. Just then I heard muffled protest so I got up after finally typing my shoe lace and I saw Kyle kissing Zoella. She was trying to pull him off but he had he pinned by the lockers. This asshole. I ran and tackled him down. I will admit I am a bit intimidated by him but seeing a guy try to take advantage of a girl makes my blood boil in anger.

"Fuck off," I barked standing infront of Zoella. Just then Nathan appeared.

"Are you okay Zoella?" He asked worried but seemed pist off like me.

Kyle smiled and dusted himself off before walking away.

"Where did you come from?" I asked curious to how he ended up coming here.

"I asked my teacher if I could use the bathroom and decided to just walk around until I heard muffled protest. I saw Kyle shoving his tongue down Zoella's mouth," he bluntly stated.

"He just won't stop a-and promised to harm anyone who he felt was competition, " Zoella sobbed. Why is he so obsessed with Zoella? Ever since she moved here he's been eyeing her.

"It's okay Zoe, try to relax right now," I said. She nodded her head and began taking steady breaths.

"It's almost fourth period," Nathan reminded me. Well I guess we can come up with an excuse for not attention third period tomorrow.

"Go to class I'll take care of Zoella," I offered. He shook his head and seem determined to stay until Zoella encouraged him to go to class. He sighed and left but hugged her before he did. He really is the protective brother to her. I helped her up and walked her to her locker. I only left when Brandon came and promised to take care of her. He seemed shaken up so something must of happened to him too. I met up with my girlfriend and we chatted a bit. I told her I'd pass by her house. She said that would be so kind of me.

After Football pratice I showered and changed into some casual clothes for my date tonight. After I was sure I was ready I exited the locker room and went in my car. I saw River yanking Riley's arm and she looked confused. Honestly she didn't seem to struggle and walked at his pace. Shrugging the thought away I drove off. Once I came into view of Candice house I parked the car and held a dozen of roses for her. I knocked on her door with full confidence until I saw who answered the door.

"Hey pip squeak," Derek joked and eyed the dozen of roses I had. I was trying to form words but none came out.

"Those for me?" he questioned. I have to stop being afraid of him.

"No they are actually for Candice," I said clearing my throat. It's always awkward to met your girlfriends older brother especially when he would intimidate every guy who would eye his sister.

"Hey Dylan!" Candice spoke clearly excited.

"He your date," Derek asked not directly at me, but his sister.

"Actually Derek we've been dating for quite a while," she said in the most obvious tone. Clearly my girlfriend has more balls then me when it comes to facing her brother.

"Take care alright. Oh and if your break her heart I'll make sure to break your legs," he threatened. I nodded my head and made a little joke after making Derek laugh. I was just glad derek approved. Also I got to go to the movies with my babe.

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