Chapter 10

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Small talks

"Wow that was a g-great s-story," Riley studdered making me want to laugh.

"Good thing you had rivers," I commented nudging her shoulder. She didn't attempt to hide the fact that she was blushing.

"Okay so maybe I have a crush on him," She said below a whisper. It was barely 8pm and everyone started dancing. Good thing we brought extra comfy yet nice outfits for the night.

"Well I don't want things to get awk-"

"Are you kidding me. They won't-I Mean look at how me and Brandon are," I stated hoping she'd take a chance with Rivers. She still shook her head and I groaned.

"Fine then and speaking of Rivers he's calling you to go dance," I cooed as she retreated back with him.  I smiled and went to where the bin was at to grab a drink. I noticed Matt walking my way and smiled at him.

"So Zoella i wanted to ask you if you where going to game tomorrow?" he asked eyeing my body. I swear he's been checking me out this whole day. It bugs me but thank goodness I didn't wear anything revealing. I seriously wanted to punch him when I noticed him earlier.

"Yeah im going.. don't I always go," I said in a duh tone.

"Oh well yea but I wanted to know if maybe after the game you wanted to cruise around town and maybe go back to my place," I knew what he ment by that when he bit his lip. Seriously what the actual fuck?!? Does he think im easy like Myra. Well news flash bitch I'm nothing like her.

"Fuck off," I snapped pushing past him. Before I can walk away he held my arm. I looked back at him and gave him one of my death glares.

"Dude get off her. I warned you to stop checking her out," Brandon spat out. I tried again to get out of Matt's grip but he wouldn't let go and pulled my arm so I was by his side. I fucken hate how defenseless I look. So I did something that no one thought I was capable of doing. I punched Matt straight in the face. Might I add that I've been working out so yea I got muscles. Okay maybe not gorilla status but enough strength to knock out a half drunken Matty.

Matt just fell on the floor and at the moment I couldn't feel my knuckles. Everyone was starring at us now and it was pretty weird. I heard a bunch of Oh's and he got knocked the fuck out. I looked at brandon and he looked impressed. Psh and he thought I couldn't handle these situations. I shook my knuckles and walked away as if nothing happened sipping on my coke. Brandon walked near me and we walked by the waves and away from the party. He kept smiling and held my hand.

"Okay you can let it out," he announced. I didnt hesitate to show how much in pain I was. The feeling of my knuckles finally hit me and man did it hurt.

"Owowowowowowowow," I whined shaking my knuckle.

"I can't blame you since you knocked out Matt, " he chuckled. I basically single handedly took out a gorilla.

"See I told you I could handle my problems," I mumbled holding onto my knuckles that were burning.

"Here ice them for a bit," Brandon commented as he handed me a bag full of ice.

"What are you the school nurse. Psh I don't need ice," I stated trying to look tough.

"You punch a guy in the face and now you think your the hulk huh," he teased making me pout. Darn he knows me too well. Without hesitation I grabbed the ice pack and said a quick thank you.

"So what was Matt talking to you about," he said plainly but I noticed his fist clenching. He was nowhere near okay.

"He asked me if I wanted to cruise around and then go back to his place to.... you know," I bit out disgusted.  Matthew is such a perve but I never paid him any attention since I would only root on Brandon.

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