Chapter 55

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Keeping up

My mind was clouded and it was hard to concentrate on anything. Even my efforts at practice were what my coach would say unacceptable. Everyone knows about Zoella missing but really do they care? I've even distance myself from everyone. I need space and they should understand that. I wouldn't even participate much in class but only when I needed to. It's been two weeks and still no leads to zoella. Who could of taken her and why? The thought of her getting hurt kills me. I've been working out a lot with lucas to get my mind off of those thoughts. My nights are restless and it's inedible to hide my bags under my eyes. Most of the time I tend to sleep in some classes. Usually around lunch I tend to doze off. Even my a petite goes away and I hardly eat. I'm more moody and no one dares approach me.

"Yeah I know and could careless. She's not my girl," I heard Kyle bluntly blurt out.

"I wouldn't be hung up either since there are other girls out there," he spoke. Every word he said irritated me and it was as if he was directly telling me. I turned and pushed him far back to his locker. I heard his head slam pretty hard but he didn't seemed phased. He casually stood straight and gave me his stupid smirks.

"Did i say something to tick you off," he mocked pretending to care.

"I know perfect fully well what your doing. so shut the fuck up unless you want me to-"

"To what? You going to do something - or is it just empty threats," he chimed taking a step closer to me. That was it to make me eurpt. I punched him and kneed him in the stomach than did an upper cut punching him straight in the jaw.

"I know you had something to do with zoella missing. I'm going to find out and when I do, consider yourself a dead man! It's quite pathetic if you think about it taking my girl because you couldn't have her," I spit out kicking him.

He tried to fight back but when I'm pist no one can mess with me. Even more now that I've been working out 24/7. He had no chance against me.

"What makes you so sure it could of been me?" He choked out as he continued coughing. I continued walking and came to a halt. Without turning to face him I gave him my answer.

"Because your pathetic and desperate," I bit out walking away. Everyone who had form the circle around us moved aside as i walked by. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and shrugged it away.

"Brandon hey i-"

"Leave me alone tessa," I snarled.

"I just thought maybe you might need comforting," She trailed off as her fingers roamed around my chest. I grabbed her hands roughly and throw them off my chest.

"Look you fucken slut I said leave me alone. Only because I fell into temptation once with you doesn't mean it will happen again," I snarled. She stayed quiet and attempted to touch my again but debated against it. I continued walking where ever took me further away from here. My mind was tangled with all these thoughts that crossed my mind. I was fuming pist and a ticking bomb waiting to explode again. I just need to cool off. The whole walk I thought about zoella. She's the only one who keeps me sane and the only one who will never give up on me. She inspired me to become a better person for me... for us. It scared me at first but then I realized how unhappy I was before. I don't want to become that guy who always wants to get laid. Sex isn't my key to happiness, my key to happiness is zoella . She doesnt run my life though. Don't get me wrong I love Zoella but, overall I know I can control my life. But the thing is I've pictured my life with zoella. I can always rewrite what I picture in my future but the thing is... i just don't want to. I can tell were going to be together for a long time. I won't leave her and I pray to God that she won't leave me.

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