Long Live the Demon

Start from the beginning

What would have happened? Would Bora have been able to resurrect her husband? Chara had been resurrected, so it seemed possible. However, he did die a natural death, so perhaps that would have been different. Regardless, Chara supposed saving one person did not justify killing six others, especially since that one person had already lived out his natural human lifespan.

"She wouldn't have been able to bring him back," Hemlock said, "but she wouldn't have accepted it. She would have kept absorbing more souls, always believing that just one more would be enough. Do you think anyone could have stopped her? I'll leave that to you to decide."

Well, Frisk stopped Asriel.

"You all know what happened next," Hemlock continued. "Humans were understandably terrified of the monster's ability to absorb human souls, which soon led to the Human-Monster War. All over Earth, humanity united to wage war with monsterkind.

"On paper, this war appears very one-sided, with not a single human SOUL taken, but the thing is, the monsters were always just that one SOUL away from turning the tables completely. In reality, the war was far closer than monsters care to admit."

Doesn't change the fact that the humans massacred countless monsters all over the world.

What Chara didn't understand was how there wasn't a single human who sympathized with the dying monsters. Out of every human on Earth, how was there not a single one like her, willing to sacrifice their life to save them? As Hemlock said, just one SOUL could have changed everything. A single human is all it would have taken to save the monsters from slaughter, but nobody came.

Well, I guess not everyone wants another race to acquire godlike power. Still, not a single person? No desperate hero? No spiteful misanthrope? No psychopath who wanted to watch humanity burn? I was the only one? Am I really that insane?

Hemlock went on to talk about the monsters' eventual surrender, and how seven human magicians imprisoned them under Mount Ebott. Of course, the location of the monsters' prison was a closely guarded and ultimately forgotten secret until...


In the aftermath of the war, humanity maintained their global alliance, calling it the 'Human Government.' Of course, it wasn't purely federalist. It was divided into the East and West superstates, and each superstate was divided into several substates. While technically unified, it wasn't always peaceful. Over time, humans had fought each other in several civil wars, because of course they did. However, despite that, the Human Government somehow survived to the present day.

"But you can learn about that in Civics," Hemlock said. "For now, I'm sure you're all much more interested in the subject of monsters. As I hope you're aware, humanity's next encounter with the monster race wasn't until the early 21st century, about one hundred years ago." He looked at Chara. "It just so happens that one of the key figures of this historical event is with us right now."

What was he doing? Chara didn't need a purple SOUL to tell that her classmates were not fond of her.

Hemlock's yellow eyes lit up. "So, what were they like?"

"Huh? What?"

"The monsters! How did they react to seeing their first human in two thousand years?"

"Well, they were terrified at first," Chara said, "and so was I. After being sealed by the barrier, the monsters retreated as deep into the underground as they could, due to their fear of further human attacks. As for myself, I was hesitant to trust anyone. However, after Asriel rescued me, we gradually overcame our fears and began to care deeply for each other. Over time, we became like siblings, and after observing our friendship, monsters began to have faith in humanity."

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