"But remember," Toriel said, "you begin school this week. Will you be ready for that?"

Chara swore she heard the mirror break again. "School? Like, with people?"

"Yes, remember? You, Frisk, and Asriel are all beginning your first year of high school! Exciting, is it not?"

Chara did not see this going well. She didn't see it going well at all. It wasn't that she wasn't smart, or that she was lazy. It was, well, being near all those humans. They were all going to stare at her, judging her. She wasn't ready for...

No, since when did she care what a few humans thought? Mother was right. She had to face this. She had to be ready for it.

Frisk held her shoulder. "Don't worry, it'll be fine! And I'll be there, too! Sadly, we don't have any classes together, but we can still see each other at lunch!"

Chara nodded. "Y-yeah. I suppose it will be nice to have some normal problems to worry about."

"That's the spirit!"

"Waste of time if you ask me," Flowey grumbled. "We've got better things to do, like saving the world from that damn president."

Right, the human and monster situation was still deteriorating. After what Boaris did, fear and blatant prejudice were on the rise. The Government was – relatively speaking – scrambling to reach a new consensus on how to handle the monster 'threat.' This kind of distrust is exactly what Chara had feared.

Yet, despite everything, there were still many humans who supported peace with monsters. Frisk's adventure to save them had become something of a legend. People wrote all kinds of stories about it. They collected cards. They sang songs. They bought plush dolls of Toriel. They wore replicas of Frisk's shirt, and some guy even made a video game based off of it. All that love for monsters wasn't going to die so easily.

Still, Boaris had challenged that love severely. Even the ones who loved monsters needed to know that they weren't a threat to the world. They needed to be convinced that it didn't have to come down to humans or monsters.

It was complicated.

As they waited for the politics to play out, it didn't seem there was much either side could do. Frisk kept pleading for peace and freedom, while Malcom demanded safety and security. Humanity was once again divided on the issue of humans and monsters.

Chara yawned and stretched her arms. It was just before dawn, so they might as well have stayed up. "Sorry to wake all of you," she apologized.

"Hey, Chara," Frisk said, "before school starts," he blushed, "maybe we could get in another date? Later today?"

"I have plans, actually," she answered.

"Let me guess, more training with Undyne?"

She nodded. "Yes, I'm getting better with every session."

"Good," Flowey said. "I can't wait for the day where you rip Malcom to pieces with your magic!"

Chara laughed. "I look forward to that day as well."

"Can I come with you?" Frisk asked.

"But, Frisk, you hate fighting."

"Chara, I'm not that straight-laced. It's fine as long as you're not trying to kill each other. It'll be like watching an anime, with you in it! I want to see how strong you've gotten!"

She smiled. "In that case, I suppose there's no harm in it."

"Do be careful," Toriel said.

"Yeah, don't worry," Chara replied. "I promise I won't punch any more mirrors."

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