"Those are darling names!" Anne compliments, taking a bite of her roast. I nod and give Harry's hand a squeeze as I rest my head against his shoulder.

"If we can't exactly decide on one then we'll just retort to allowing one of the names as her middle."

"Or she can just have six names."

I roll my eyes at Harry's ridiculous comment, watching as his lips turn upward in a large grin. I swear he's a child sometimes.

"She's not having six names, Harry." I scold with a light laugh.

I sigh heavily and look to the clock planted on the wall behind Gemma's head. "I'm quite knackered, I think I'm going to head off to bed." I say, pushing my chair back and struggling to stand to my feet.

Harry immediately clears his face with his napkin before standing and helping me to my feet.

Ever since I've gotten quite large in the stomach region he's been helping out a lot. Harry won't even let me get up off the couch without assistance, let alone tackle the stairs on my own.

"I've got it." I tell Harry as I gather my own plate and carry it to the sink.

Gemma and Anne snicker from the table whilst Harry chases after me and beats me to the sink.

"Hon, I've got it." Harry simply shrugs before taking my plate from my hands and rinsing it himself. "Fine, suit yourself, I'll just be upstairs then."

"Wait for me." Harry orders as I've turned to bid goodnight to his family members.

I roll my eyes at him and his concern and hug Gemma. Anne pulls me into a hug next and thanks me for coming for the holidays as well as wishes me a peaceful rest. If only she knew I'd be up half the night peeing or tossing and turning to get comfortable.

"Goodnight." I say, waving to Robin at the head of the table as Harry joins my side again with damp hands wrapping around my waist and hand.

Harry and I exit the kitchen and make our way to the steps, tackling them slowly as I can only go so fast with a heavy load on my front. Harry doesn't complain though, just simply escorts me up the stairs and down the hall to his room.

"You know, you could have stayed downstairs with your family." I say as I undress and redress in my pajamas. Harry sits behind me on the end of the bed, running a hand through his short curls.

I have to say I've grown a definite liking to his shorter styled hair, but I wouldn't have minded if it were so long either, despite my outburst in the hospital not so long ago.

"I know. I just don't want you to be on your own." I pout my lip and turn to face him once I've changed. He looks up from the floor as I walk into his embrace, standing between his knees. "Plus, I didn't want you going up those stairs alone."

"I can handle a flight of stairs on my own."

"Not whilst I'm around."

I chuckle and lower myself down onto Harry's lap. He smiles up at me whilst wrapping his arms around my waist. My lips turn upwards in a grin as our faces grow closer in proximity to each other.

Before I know it his lips are on mine and we're kissing slowly in the moonlight. In a swift motion I swivel so that my legs are straddling Harry's waist, which is harder now than it was when I didn't have such a big bump.

"I thought you said you were tired." I hum in response, resting my forehead against his as my eyelids flutter open. I see Harry smirking up at me through thick lashes and I know I've been caught.

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