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"So now what do we do?" Harry asks looking around.

"Um..." I say not really sure myself.

"LETS TALK ABOUT GIRLS!" Louis yells excitedly, making us all cringe from the sudden noise.

"Uh Louis, not to burst your bubble, but won't it be kinda awkward for Jess?" Liam says cautiously trying to avoid hurting the older boy's feelings.

"No, because Jessica will help us." Louis pouts at Liam, then turns to me silently begging to agree.

"I guess I don't mind." I say sitting down on the couch shrugging.

"And in return, we can help Jess here with Jacob." Louis adds plopping down next to me putting an arm on my shoulder while talking.

"Who said I need help with Jacob?" I say being a tad offended and try to move out of Louis' grip to show him that. But sadly his grip around my shoulders just gets a bit tighter keeping me in place.

"Because I said you did, that's why." He sasses me.

"Be that way." I tell him.

"Oh yeah?" Louis turns to face me more, removing his arm and crossing them.

"Hey guys." Niall cuts in, stopping us from a potential fight.

"Yes Niall?" Liam says sounding slight relived that Niall found a way to calm things down.

"Have you noticed that both Jess and Jacob's name start with a J?" He asks. We all give him a look and he puts his hands up innocently.

"Yes Niall we have." Louis says grinning a bit weirdly. "We've also noticed that your's and Nilou's name both start with an N. What a coincidence."

"Yeah Niall, why don't you tell us about you and Nilou's relationship?" Zayn adds on slyly. Niall blushes slightly.

"Well, erm, about that." He begins a bit nervous sounding and rubs his hands together awkwardly. "You see, I kinda already have a girlfriend I didn't tell you about."

"WHAT!" Louis screams, making me cower into the couch. Louis takes notice of it and quickly slaps a hand over his mouth. "Sorry Jess. But still, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT NIALL!"

"Well, before we came here, I met this girl in Rio, she was all over me-o. Oh wait that's a song. Oops." Niall says bursting out laughing at the end.

While he's laughing he bends over and his phone slightly slides out of his pocket. It lights up and the name "Caroline<3<3<3" appears with a message under it. Well that's quite obvious Horan.

"Niall stay on topic!" Louis scolds him.

"Right, well, as I was saying. I met her in Rio. She was there on vacation. I knew that right away from her accent. Have you realized how nice the word accent is? It is like the easiest word to say with an accent. Ironic right-"

"Caroline." I cut him off before he gets completely off topic.

"Wh-what." He stutters slightly, turning bright red when he hears the name and a big smile breaks out on his face.

"What about Caroline?" Harry asks.

"The girl he likes, her name is Caroline." I say rolling my eyes. Man these people are slow.

"How did you know that?" was asked at the same time "Caroline, as in Caroline Flack?"

"No! Not Caroline Flack, Caroline Cummings." Niall answers quickly.

"And his phone gave it away." I answer after him.

"Oh." They all say.

"So you don't like Nilou then?" Liam asks.

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