Pasta and Ice Cream

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As soon as we arrive home, everyone heads into the kitchen. On the counter next to the fridge is a big bowl of pasta with a note sitting next to it. Everyone watches me intently as I walk over to them both.

I hope I made enough pasta for everyone, if not there's more in the fridge.


I quickly grab plates, forks, several serving spoons for the pasta, napkins, and glasses. I set them and pitcher of water and one of lemonade on the dining room table. They all surround the table, bring chairs from the kitchen into the dining room if they were needed.

"Eat up." I say setting the bowl in the middle of the table. The food and pitchers are then attacked. Noticing that I was probably not going to be able to get any of the food, I headed back into the kitchen and open the fridge to a single plate of pasta, the same size as most of my serving portions. On top of the food was a note the same size as the other one.

Thought you might need this


ps your father now owes me five dollars

I chuckle slightly at my parents antics and grab the plate out of the fridge. I open the drawer and a grab out a fork to eat my now cool pasta. Doesn't matter if its warm or not, its still food. Hopping onto the island in the middle of the kitchen, I hear someone approaching behind me.

"Not enough room out there?" Liam asks sitting on the island next me with his own plate of pasta.

"Something like that." I respond smiling. He laughs a little. We fall into a comfortable silence as we eat.

"This is really good pasta." He says with his mouth full.

"And to think you were the one with manners," I say sarcastically.

"Hey, that hurts." He fake pouts as I laugh at him. "It hurts right here."

He points to the right side of the chest, making me laugh even harder.

"Liam, your heart is on the other side." I choke out in between my laughter. He quickly looks down at his hand and switches it to the other side.

"What are you talking about?" He says looking at me oddly. "My hand was over my heart the whole time."

"Sure...." I reply still laughing.

"Meanie." He whines.

"Liar." I shoot back.



"Im a man."

"Or so you think."

"Thats mean."

"You already said that."

"No, I said meanie, not mean."

"Same difference."





"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Figure it out yourself." I say hopping off the island and sitting on counter across the kitchen. "Im going to sit here until you ask for forgiveness."

"What am I supposed to be sorry about?"

"Figure out yourself."

"You already said that."

"Yeah so?"

"That means I won."



"You won nothing."

"I won everything."

"Not the girl's heart that you keep thinking about."

"What, how did you know about that?!"

"I didn't really until you told me just a second ago."


"There was other clues."


"Yeah, want some ice cream?"

"Sure." He replies. I walk over to the freezer and grab out a tub of ice cream.

"You are about to eat the best ice cream sundae you have ever had." I tell him grabbing everything I needed.

Two bowls
Three scoops of vanilla ice cream into each bowl
Chocolate shell on top ice cream
Scoop of carmel
A little drizzle of chocolate syrup
Spray some whipped cream
Shake some rainbow sprinkles
And place a cherry on top of it all

"Boom, its complete." I say setting a bowl in front of Liam, setting a spoon next to it. He glances down at the spoon suspiciously.

"Is it clean?" He asks.


"Is the spoon clean?"


"Is it very clean?"

"I would expect so."

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure."

"Are you ly-"

I cut him off placing a bottle of dish soap in front of him, not exactly setting it down very lightly.

"If you don't think its clean, wash it yourself." I growl at him. He puts his hands up in defense, but goes and washes his spoon anyways. I roll my eyes at him and stuff some oft he sugary goodness into my mouth.

"This is so good." He says in between bites.

"Told ya so."

"Never doubted you."

"Hm, yeah sure."

"Well then." He says sticking his tongue out at me, but quickly sticking it back in so he could keep eating the ice cream.

"Do you know how much sugar is probable in this?" He says, not really complaining.

"Yep, bur thats what gives you one of the best things ever." I say smiling,

"Rotten teeth?"

"No," I say rolling my eyes.

"Then what?" He asks.

"The sugar rush." I wink and quickly shove more dessert into my mouth.

"Oh god." he whispers, dropping his spoon into his bowl, eyes filled with worry.

Thats right Payne, you should be scared.

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