Finding the Searchers

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"I-I-I had no idea." Jacob stutters pulling me into an even tighter hug. I give off a small smile.

"Thank you for telling us though." Liam says giving me another hug, after I pull away from Jacob.

I just simply nod.

"I think we better go find everyone else." Jacob states. Liam responds with a 'ok' and me with another nod.

We walk back towards the house just incase someone else went to check there too. No one. Just the two horses.

"Horse back would be faster." Liam hints. I nod and Jacob heads over to Apple. Bringing Liam over to Val, I help him mount. Then I lead Val, with Jacob following behind, and make sure Liam is situated properly. Then I sprint over to Phantom's pasture, cluck, and as soon as he's next to my side I mount bare back and bridle-less and head out.

"Lets go!" Jacob calls and we set off towards the nearest path in the woods.

Jacob takes the lead and Liam and me ride side by side. Liam gives me an odd look.

"Why don't you have a saddle and a bridle?" He asks. I just shrug and ignore his astonished glances.

Halfway through the path we start to hear noises.

"Jess what's that?" Liam asks looking nervous glancing around. I don't respond and keep looking strait forward.

"Seriously Jess, what are the noises." Jacob asks also looking nervous, but not as bad as Liam. Once again I don't say anything.

I can tell that Jacob and Liam are getting a bit anxious and I decide to take matters into my own hands.

Well sorta.

"BOO!" I scream and nudge Phantom with my heel so he takes off cantering really fast, nearly making Liam and Jacob fall off their mounts. I can't help but laugh and head strait forward. But I quickly slow when I come to the fork in the path. I listen carefully and choose the left one. Phantom takes a few steps and boom, there is Lexie, Louis, Nilou, and Niall.

"JESSICA!" Lexie shouts running over to Phantom and me.

"Sup." I say calmly, pretending nothing happened.

"Haha! We found you first!" Louis exclaims childishly, like they won capture the flag or some other game.

"Actually," I say, all of them looking at me intently. "Liam and Jacob found me first."

"What? NOOO!" Louis whines.

"What YESSSS," I roll my eyes. "But do you guys know where Harry, Samantha, and Zayn are?"

"No." Niall says shrugging.

"Wait didn't you say Liam and Jacob found you first?" Nilou asks.

"Yeah, I did why?"

"Well where they!" Nilou says exasperated.

"A couple hundred feet behind me, getting over shock." I say like it is the most boring thing ever.


"What?" I say faking dumb.

"Jess, why are they in shock?" Lexie asks slowly like I'm a little kid.

"Well, I may or may not have scared them then left them in my dust." I smile innocently.

"Jess." Lexie groans and face palms. Everyone starts laughing and I just keep the smile on my face. Just a couple seconds later Jacob and Liam show up, grim facial expressions.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Louis jokes, sending us all into another fit if laughter.

"Not cool." Liam pouts.

"You're right it was hilarious!" Lexie laughs, making both of them glare at her.

"Oops." I say containing my giggles.

"Just don't do that again." Jacob sighs.

"Sir, yes sir." I salute Jacob and nudging Phantom once again to walk though this time. The funny thing was that Phantom started walking like a drill horse would, going along with my soldier act. And again everyone laughed at us.

"ONWARDS!" I exclaim and everyone follows me out of the woods, with the people on foot behind me, and Jacob and Liam following behind the group.

-----out of the forest, walking past the pastures----

"Where do you think they are?" Someone asks.

"I think the barn." I say turning around in my seat.

"Why the barn?" Nilou questions.

"Well, when most people are searching for a person they look in places where they think the person would go. And if I'm right they probably thought I went to the barn." I explain, still facing backwards.

"Where did you go?" Niall asks.

I just quietly turned back around in my seat, deciding it to answer. Thankfully no one says anything, but I know that they all want an answer.

------outside the barn------

"Here we are." I say swinging off of Phantoms back and heading up to door.

"Wait!" Someone whisper-shouted at me.

"What?" I hiss spinning around.

"We should scare them!" Louis says excitedly, forgetting to whisper.

"Shhhh!" Lexie exclaims, hitting Louis on the head.

"Owwww." Louis pouts. "Make it better."

"No." Lexie bluntly says pushing him away and walking next to me.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Zayn smugly smirks walking out of the barn.

"Dang it, look what you did Louis!" Niall whines.

"It's not my fault!" Louis childishly argues. "No one told me we were whispering!"

"No one told Jess we were whispering, but she whispered!"

"So Jess is smart!" Louis statement makes me smile a bit. He probably didn't notice what he said.

"But your older than her!"

" 'Age is just a number, maturity is a choice.' "

"You did not just quote Harry."

"Oh but he did." Harry says coming out of the barn also, hand in hand with Samantha.

"And the lovers finally decide to show up." Zayn says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Samantha blushes and Harry smirks. "Finally done with your make out session I see."

"Shut up." Samantha groans, burying he face is Harry's chest.

"Remind me to never let you guys join a search and rescue team, you would be helping as much as you would be completing a coloring book instead." I say rolling my eyes. Everyone laughs including Harry, not including Samantha who is dying of embarrassment. Which just makes everyone that much more funny.

"OOOOOH shes blushing!" Louis says.

"No derp, dumb nut." Samantha says covering her face with her hands now. We all start laughing again, this time at her choice of words.

"Hey everyone is now here right?" I ask after a minute or two. We all look around and just kinda realize that we are, in fact, all together.

"Oh." Jacob says plainly, speaking for the first time in a while.

"Yep." I bluntly respond.

"It looks like it's about 12, and I'm getting hungry. I think we better get back." Niall says. Everyone just shakes their head at him about his food statement. Of coarse he would be the one to say that. Then I realize my backpack is missing.

"Hey has anyone seen my backpack?" I ask.

"I think I saw it by the far end of the pasture." Liam responds.

"I'll walk over there with you." Nilou suggests.

"Ok, let's go." And with that we start walking with Phantom in tow.

"What are we supposed to do?" Lexie calls.

"Put away Val and Apple. Jacob should know how." I wink and leave Jacob staring at me with his eyes bulging. I guess he understands how difficult that's going to be.

As we reach the half point mark, Nilou turns to me.

"So what's up with you and Jacob?" she asks eagerly, nearly bouncing in excitement.

"What do you mean?" I eye her.

"Well, I can tell that you both like one another, even the three blind mice could see that." Cue eye roll. "And you too seem perfect for each other."

"DJ Malik." I mutter.



"What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing." I reply quickly.

"Hm, sure."


"But seriously, what's going on between you two?"

"We may or may not have kissed." I mumble.

"WHAT?!" She shrieks.

"I'm not repeating that." I say seriously.

"OMG OMG OMG! I have to start your wedding-" She starts rambling.

"What about your wedding?" I cut in.

"My wedding?" She asks confused.

"Yanno, yours and Niall's...." I hint.

"What? Me and Niall? I doubt he likes me." She says looking downwards as we walk.

"What you two like each other, even the three blind mice could see that." I quote her teasingly.

"Not cool." She mutters. I just smile at our stupidity.

"Well, Liam said the backpack is supposed to be around here somewhere..." I say glancing around.

"There it is!" Nilou shouts pointing at the corner of the fence. Funny, I don't even remember setting it there.

"Lets put this guy away, and head back to the others." I say letting Phantom into the pasture. Then we head or trek back to the others.

-----once again at the barn-----

"Hey hey hey!" Nilou and I say in sync as we walk into the barn. What we saw was not what we were expecting.

Almost everyone was drenched. The horses were half groomed half bathed. And the tack was all over the barn floor.

I'm pretty sure our jaws were on the ground.

Dang this is going to take longer than 8 minutes.


I AM ALIVE!!!!!!

Extremely sorry for waiting like.....2 months for an update, but I hope you like this chapter anyways. This oddly has been the longest chapter I have written in two days time. Be proud :) but yeah.....

I'm really hoping to have 1.5k reads on this book before Halloween. That would just be amaZAYN.


Hopefully I will update soon, I actually have an idea for the next chapter so it should come before the end of the month.

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