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I rush up stairs saying hi to my mom briefly. I get into the shower and rinse off. Then I find my grey fuzzy sweats and put them on along with a pajama shirt that's says varsity 87 on the front. I quickly throw my hair up in messy bun, something I don't usually do. Putting on my slippers I look in my mirror and think that I look pretty cute. I grab my pillow and some blankets and bring them down into my living room, setting them on my couch. Then the door bell rang. I go over and open up the door and all a sudden I'm in the middle of a group hug. A sense is De ja vou washes over me.

"Guys. Can't. Breathe!" I gasp.

The next thing you know, I'm being carried over to the couch and being dropped on it. But not before I let out a shriek. My shriek was followed by five guys laughing.

"Not funny guys!" I say fake pouting, trying really hard not to laugh. But I couldn't hold it in. I burst out laughing and everyone else just laughs harder. Then the door bell rings I go and answer it.

It's Jacob.


"Uh, hey. Come on in." I say awkwardly.

"Thanks." He says calmly like there was nothing wrong. Jerk.

I guess the other guys could feel the weirdness going on.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that three of my friends might be coming over. Well two are for sure. One I don't know yet." I say. "And, well, they are kind of Directioners."

Then Louis yells, "I HAVE AN IDEA!" Gosh when does he use an inside voice...

"What is it, then?" Harry asks.

"We should hide. So they only see Jacob, then jump out at them!" He yells. The door bell rang again just as he finished. We all look at each other with wide eyes. Then the guys, not including Jacob, went and hid behind the various couches we had in my living room. I ran over to the door, and opened it.

"Jess!" Lexie and Nilou squeal at the same time.

"Hey guys! Come on!" I say way more excitedly than last time I answered the door.

We walk into the living room together, and immediately spot Jacob. Both of their eyes go HUGE. Then Lexie goes over to Jacob with a surprisingly calm expression.

"FOR JESSICA!... AND NANDOS!!!!!!!!" She suddenly screams and with that she slaps Jacob in the face. Hard.

'Dang girl...' I think to myself.

"YOU GO GIRL!" Some one screams. Ah, yes the one and only Louis Tomlinson has jumped up from behind the couch and yelled that. Then Nilou screams bloody murder.


Can you say fan girl much...

Then you hear:

"And Harry!"

"And Niall!"

"And Liam!"

Then there was the:

"Vas happenin!"

I fall on the ground laughing at everyone's surprised faces. Especially Jacob's because its half red from the slap. From the corner of my eye I see someone walking up my driveway. I rush over the door while everyone is staring at each other and open it. I put a finger to my mouth telling Samantha to be quiet. We walk into the living room and Samantha becomes as shocked as Nilou and Lexie. More laughter from me.

By now I'm rolling on the floor laughing. My mom walks in the room to see what all the commotion was about. As soon as she sees the scene, she starts laughing with me.



I didn't write this chapter all by myself. I had help from my one friend, Lexie(Lexie from the story is based off of her except she likes Niall better than Louis, NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE WHO THAT COMMENT MIGHT OFFEND)

She really wanted credit for helping me :)

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