One Direction Surprise

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As I'm staring out the window during geography, 9th hour. I day dream about the world famous band, One Direction, that almost every girl from the ages 8-18 knows about. I dream that they are walking up to front doors, but finding out that they are locked out and start yanking on the door, as if they think if they pull hard enough the doors will magically open.

"Stupid boys... "I think to myself.

I raise my hand and when the teacher calls on me I ask if I can get a drink, and she reluctantly says yes, but to hurry back. I stand up quickly and walk out of the classroom. As I am in the hallway walking towards the doors, I all a sudden realize that I was DAY DREAMING. That I didn't really 'see' them at the door. Crud. I still walk to the door anyways, just to double check. If they are not there, I'll get a quick drink and head back, because I was just a teeny bit thirsty. I reach the door

"What the flub..." I say as I see five boys between the ages of 18 and 22, standing at the door with a begging look in their faces.

I head over to the door, cautiously, making sure that no one else was around. My hand starts to push the door open.

"What are you doing?!" A voice says behind me. I jump and turn around quickly to see that it is only Jacob. Thank goodness.

"Uh, helping poor, innocent people from the streets out?" I say my voice getting a bit squeaky and high pitched at the end.

"Huh, poor and from the streets? I doubt they are any of those things." Jacob says. "Don't look at me like that! I know who's those people are. They're One Direction!"

I start laughing.

"Well is it good that I am trying to help these people out here? Or are you going to stop me and call the cops?" I say jokingly.

"Go ahead and let them in, just remind them to be quiet. I know that they can be a bit loud at times." He says with a wink and walks away.

Wait, did he just say what I think he just said? That he knows One Direction, and how they act. Oh my pickle, has he met One Direction before?! My thoughts are interrupted with someone banging on the doors. Oh yeah, I forgot that I haven't let One Direction in yet. Whoops.

I open the door and all a sudden I'm being suffocated by the five boys hugging me. All of them are saying "Thank you!", "It is so hot out there!", and "I nearly died of heat exhaustion!"

"Guys, can't breathe!" I exclaim gasping for air.

"Whoops sorry!" One of them practically yells.

"Shhhhh! We don't want anyone to hear us!" I exclaim. Wow, they really are loud, but their accents are so cute!

"Whoops sorry." The person repeats this time in a whisper. I laugh quietly.

"Why do we have to be quiet?" Asks another.

"Well, so you want to be mobbed by girls?" I ask them.

"Oh, good point..."

I look at the clock in the hallway, class is almost over. Crud.

"Uh, guys, I have to get back to class because the teacher only thinks that I'm only getting a drink." I tell them.

"Oh ok." The boy with curly hair and green eyes says. Yep, I only know know the band's name and what the people look like. Not their names.

"Jessica?" A voice sounds from around the corner.

"Quick hide!" I whisper urgently at the boys. They run off hiding themselves from sight.

"Yes?" I say as a girl named Lily, comes around the corner.

"Uh the teacher sent me out here to check on you." She says kind of nervously.

"Sorry it's just that I thought I saw someone out side. I went to check, but I only could see foot prints where I thought I saw the person" I respond smoothly. Huh, I was never this good at lying so casually.

"Oh!," Lily says with wide eyes. "Do you think we should tell the teacher about this?"

"I don't know, it might just be my imagination." I say. "But if we see something again I think we should tell the teacher then. Ok?"

"Yeah." She replies nervously.

We walk back into the classroom together.

"Now what took you so long, Jessica?" The teacher asks tight away.

"Jessica thought she saw something out side." Lily blurts out. Yep, she's that kind of girl.

"Really? I'll inform the principal after school to keep a look out for any suspicious activity. Thank you girls." The teacher says back.

Wow, that was a close one.

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