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Lexie and I just stare. We turn and look at each other at the exact time. Then the rest catch up with us.

"We need to rent those." Lexie and I say pointing at the scooters and saying in sync. The rest look at us weird and Louis just gets really excited.

"I don't know..." Liam says hesitantly.

"Please Liam, pretty pretty please!" Louis starts begging like a five year old. "Pleeeeeease Leeeeeeeum!"

Liam rolls his eyes."Uh fine. We'll rent the scooters."

"Yay!" We all shout. Another roll of the eyes from Liam.

"Such children."Liam mumbles.

"Have something to share with the rest of us Liam?" I say glaring at him.

"Hm? What no, I didn't say anything." He says quickly.

"Ok...."I say unconvinced.

"Come on guys! You can carry out your secret conversation later!" Lexie yells, eager to ride the scooters. That comment received a glare from Jacob. I look over at Harry. He's too busy in a conversation with Samantha to notice what is going on. Good for him. Ok that sounded weird. What ever.

"Ok, ok we're coming!" Niall yells.

"Yikes, no need to yell." Nilou says, winking at him. Aww, they are so cute. JUST ASK HER OUT ALREADY LEPRECHAUN! Frustration.

"Let's go!" I say taking off towards the rental place. Lexie runs up next to me.

"Race ya!" She takes off running ahead of me. I sprint even faster, catching up to her. I finally pass her, but my lungs feel like they are on fire. "Keep going Jessica! Don't give up!" I yell mentally. "Just ignore it!"

I reach the place and turn around to wait for everyone else. Lexie is still a good 20 feet away and the rest are just standing there, gaping at me. Ok then...

"Come on guys. Hurry up!" I yell."Faster, faster!"

They start to walk.

"Didn't you hear me? I said go faster!" I yell at them again.

They start to jog.

Gosh why do they have to go so slow? Lexie reaches me a couple seconds later.

"Why aren't you in track?" She asks me.

"Huh?" I say a bit confused why she would ask me that.

"You just beat me running here, and I had a head start. I'm one of the fastest sprinters on the team. No one ever beats me..." She says staring to grumble a bit.

Wow I didn't think that I ran that fast. And I didn't know that Lexie was in track. I know she's in swimming and soccer, but that's all she really ever said she did. The rest of the group walks up behind us.

"Took you long enough." I mutter. This apparently was louder than I thought it would be because I received a few angry glances and annoyed looks. Wow, some people need some chill pills. I don't say that out loud, but I roll my eyes.

"Come on guys, we've had enough bickering." Liam, being the responsible and mature one says, walking up to the counter where a man is standing behind.

"We'd like to rent ten scooters please."

"Ok that will be," The man looks down at the sheet infant of him. "$124.56 including tax." My eyes go wide at the amount of money it takes to rent the scooters.

"Liam, I can't let you spend all that money!" I exclaim. That much money could double, almost triple, the size of my wardrobe.

"Yes, you can love." He says with a wink. He takes out his wallet and pulls out some bills. Then he hands some to the man arm says to him, "You can keep the change."

"Right this way we have 12 different colors. Red, orange, yellow, lime green, turquoise, baby blue, navy blue, blue, purple, pink, black, and silver." He says pointing to the scooters that are arranged in rainbow order. It looks really cool. We all run over to the scooter in the color of our choice. I make a mental list of what color everyone chose.


Nilou: turquoise

Lexie: yellow

Samantha: purple

Niall: lime green

Louis: red

Liam: black

Harry: blue

Zayn: navy blue

Jacob: orange

The man goes through how the scooter works. Where the brakes are, how to go faster/go. It didn't seem that complicated. Then we were fitted for helmets, because we would be braking the law if we didn't wear them. Finally we were able to go and ride them by ourselves. We all hopped onto our scooters, and with me in the front, we drove away. It felt so nice to have the wind in my hair. But it wasn't as enjoyable as having the wind in my hair when I rode Phantom. Phantom. That reminded me of the dapple.

"Hey Samantha! Come up here for a second!" I shout over my shoulder.

"Ok! Coming!" She shouts back. I hear her scooter coming up behind me and I slow down just a tad bit. "Yeah?"

"What did you name the dapple again?" I ask thinking hard about what she said she named the horse.

"Bella." She says softly.

"Oh yeah. Duh." I say mentally slapping myself. "Have you ever ridden her?"

"No, I didn't know if she was someone's, but I checked on her everyday to make sure she was alright, though."

"That was nice. To be truthful I don't even know she is someone's. The black one I was riding isn't even mine. I wish he was though..." I say drifting off at the end of the sentence.

"He's a beauty, that's for sure." We then fall into a comfortable silence, if there is even a such thing. Lexie rides up next to me and Nilou behind me. We form a diamond-ish shape with the boys following behind us in a blob laughing. Us girls smirking and communicating silently, like the way we do. Then we all burst out laughing, causing the boys to look at us odd. We laugh even harder at their faces.

Now this was a good day...

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