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We were all walking down the street when Louis suddenly stops in the middle of the street. We all pause to see why he stopped.

"Lexie I want to ask you something. I know we have only known each other for two days but I feel like I have known you my whole life. Lexie will you g-" Louis suddenly stops. I big bus is heading toward the two people. Louis shoves Lexie out of the path of the bus and she falls to the side of the road. But Louis doesn't move out of the way. He gets hit. The bus keeps on going as if it didn't hit anything. He lays on the road, not moving.

"LOUIS!" Lexie screams and runs back over to where his body is. She shakes his shoulder, but too harshly. "Louis wake up, wake up." Niall and Harry go over to Lexie's side. Niall pulls her into a hug and Harry dials 911. Lexie is sobbing, Niall trying to clam her down, Harry on the phone, and the rest of us are just standing there in shock.

"Oh my gosh." I whisper. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I look over my shoulder and see Jacob holding me.

"It's gonna be ok." He says softly into my ear. I just shake my head.

"No it's not." I say more to me than him. Jacob just holds me tighter. Harry hits the end call button in his phone and slips it into his pocket.

"They said they are coming right away and to stay where we are, and make sure, well urm, that he doesn't get run over again." Harry says looking like he was trying so hard to not break down. I feel a silent tear run down my face. We all then move into a group and hug each other with tears dripping down our face. Niall is kneeling on the ground with Lexie being hold "princess style" in his arms, rocking her back and forth. We hear sirens in the distance and we all break from our group hug into a single file line facing where Louis lay. We all hav our arms around each others waist and wait in silence. All of our faces are still tear stained. A police car soon shows up with an ambulance in tow. The medics and policemen rush out to Louis and Niall and Lexie are moved away from his body. Then we hear the dreaded words.

"He's dead."

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