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I saw Jacob hanging out with Sheila again after school and he didn't ride the bus in the afternoon. I was getting a bit worried, but I just thought about the sleep over that was happening instead. The bus ride home seems to take longer than usual. I sigh as we finally get o the stop before mine. I rush off the bus, eager to get home. The front door opens and my mom walks out with a bag of trash.

"Hey mom, let me take that." I say taking the bag out of her hands and dropping it in out on the curb.

"Is Jacob with you?" My mom asks with a confused look on her face.

"Uh, no. He wasn't on the bus this afternoon." I say trying not to seem sad or disappointed.

"Oh, ok." My mom says as we walk into the house together. I drop my bag off in my room, change into long jeans and my riding boots.

"I'm going to go ride Phantom, mom." I yell walking out the door.

"Ride?" My mother's muffled voice replies from inside the house. I guess I never told her that I have already ridden him. Whoops.

It takes me about 8 minutes to walk to my grandparent's old farm. I look at the sun dial sitting in the front yard and notice that it is already 2:50ish. About 50 minutes until I need to start heading home. I go towards the pastures with Phantom's "bridle" in hand and cluck. Phantom comes trotting up to the gate where I am standing.

"Hey there boy." I say petting his nose and face. He nickers softly. I unlatch the gate and open it, letting him out, then closing it and patching it back in place. I don't know if the dapple will stay close by if I let her roam freely around the property. I walk to the arena, with Phantom following me, then put his "bridle" on him. I bring him into the center of the arena and climb on his back. As soon as I was situated, he walked to the rail of the arena. We walk around the arena once then, we start to canter around the arena. Again, it was too slow for right now. We immediately start to gallop. We go around and around. Then I noticed that I never shut the gate to the arena. Before you know it we were out the arena gates and heading towards the trials that went through the woods. We flew past trees and bushes, rocks and deer. All a sudden there was a large tree in the middle of the path. I didn't want to stop and turn around. There was only one other option. I took it. I jumped the first time on a horse that day. Something that I always wanted to do. My grandparents were going to teach me last year, when I was 15, but they died I never learned. We sailed over the log and cleared it with feet to spare. Flying. I went flying for the first time in my life. And the best part was that I went flying with my dream horse.

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