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A/N I would like to say that the first half of this book is..well..bad. It's my first book on here. But I promise you it gets better. I realize that some of the chapters are extremely short, but the chapters tend to progressively get longer.

*currently editing*

But enjoy



"Jessica? Can you hear me?!?"

"Huh? What, oh ya I can."

"Then why didn't you answer the question the first time I asked?"

"Question? What question?"

"You should pay attention more." The teacher said with a stern voice and look.

You see, I have a slight problem. And that problem is that I day dream a lot. And I mean A LOT. Which kinda sucks in my case because I always do it at the 'wrong' time and what I day dream about is pointless. I seem to dream about stuff like me finding that one, perfect, rare horse that is like never going to be found, and meeting famous people at the most random times. Plus day dreaming bugs all my friends, teachers, and my parents. But hey! It's REALLY hard for me NOT day dream like 24/7 no matter what people say.

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