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I walk into school and and see Jacob and Sheila talking to each other by the cafeteria. Sheila is twirling her hair with one of her fingers and smiling a flirty smile at Jacob. Jacob smiles back at her and they keep talking. I feel a pang of jealousy. Then Jacob turns to leave, but Sheila grabs his arm and pulls him back. She pulls him closer to her and kisses him on the cheek. He smiles. HE SMILES!!!!!!! I couldn't help it, tears start to run down my face and I walk quickly to the bathroom. I turn on the sink and two girls walk in. They see my face and my tears and rush over and ask me why I'm crying. Strangely I tell them what I saw and what happened last night. All of it. Once I finished my story, both of them hug me and tell me that everything will be alright.

"Oh we probably should have told you this before, but my name is Lexie," says the one with wavy-ish brown hair that goes down to her shoulders."and that's Nilou." She points to her friend with short brown hair with a couple blonde-ish streaks.

"I'm Jessica, but my family and my friends call me Jess." I say with a small smile.

"Well Jess, you can call us your friends now, and talk to us when ever you need. But just know that no one treats our friends the way Sheila and Jacob treated you." Nilou says.

The first bell rings and we hurry out of the bathroom together.

"Hey when do you have lunch?" I hear Lexie call.

"6th hour, how about you?"

"Same. Want to sit by us at lunch?"


" 'Kay, see you then!" Lexie says as we part ways.

Wow. Who would have knew that you could earn two new friends just because of a boy?

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