Good Night

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I take a chance and lean back. I feel Jacob's arm wrap around my waist and I relax. I rest my head on his shoulder and feel my eyelids become heavy. But before I close them I see Louis giving Jacob a knowing smile and a wink and Jacob with a faint smirk and contentment in his eyes. I stop trying to keep my eyes open and let sleep over come me.


"Jess, Jess wake up."

"Hm?" I mumble.

"The movie is almost over and Nilou and Niall need blankets for outside."

I slowly come to my full senses and notice that I'm leaning against Jacob. I become confused, but quickly remember what happened. I sit up strait and stretch.

"Sorry for falling asleep on you." I say feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No, it's fine." He says looking a bit amused. My face turns a shade of pink. I turn and face the T.V. trying to hide the fact I'm blushing. The movie ends and I stand up, pause the movie in the middle of the credits, and look around the room. Samantha and Harry fell asleep snuggling, Lexie fell asleep on Louis' shoulder, Zayn is still sleeping, Liam is in his phone, and Nilou and Niall are sitting close together, eating everyone else's leftover popcorn.

"Well Nilou and Niall, are you ready to head outside?" I say smirking a bit.

"Please don't make me do it! Please!" Nilou begs.

"Hm. Let me think about it. NO!" I emphasize the last word and walking towards the stairs.

"Fine." Sighs Nilou. Standing up and following me.

We walk up the stairs and to the hallway closet where we keep the extra blankets and pillows. I grab seven blankets and a couple pillows.

"Here you can have two blankets. One to sleep on and one to cover yourself." I address Nilou and hand her the top two blankets from the pile in my arms. It's kinda hard to balance seven blankets in one hand and try to grab two from the top. But thankfully none of them fell. That's because there was two arms that caught the blankets before they fell. Jacob's arms.

"Thanks." I say, but my voice is muffled because of the stack of blankets in front of my mouth.

"No problem." He says flashing me a smile.

"I'm going to take these outside now..." Nilou says reminding us that she's still there.

"Ok , you and Niall can sleep on the deck, I'll be down in just a few minutes." I say looking over to her as she walks down the stair, but then I turn and face Jacob again.

"I'm sorry for what ever reason you were mad at me." Jacob says sincerely after a few silent moments.

"You mean, you don't know why I'm mad?" I ask a bit confused.

"Kinda... Yeah." Jacob says looking at the ground. "Would you, erm, mind telling me what I did wrong?"

"Wha? Yeah, um, sure." I say a bit startled."Well when you were talking to Sheila in the hallway, she kissed your cheek and you smiled, and I guess I got a bit jealous." I bite the inside of my lip, feeling nervous and embarrassed at the same time.

"Oh," He says "I only smiled because she told me not to let the teachers get to me about missing the beginning of this one big project and how it was worth most of my grade for the last quarter. And I smiled because I pictured the teachers chasing after me like crazed people. I didn't smile about the kiss, if she didn't say anything before she kissed me I would have frowned, probably glared at her, truthfully."

Yikes, that was a long story. But it's believable. I so I believe it.

"Ok, and sorry for over reacting." I say looking him strait in the eye.

"No, no. I would probably be acting the same if I were you. So I understand." Jacob says. I give a small smile towards Jacob.

"Here, let me help you with that." Jacob says taking half of the blankets off the pile and into his own arms.

"Oh, thanks."

We head down the stairs and hand out the blankets. One on top of Zayn, one to Liam, one on top of Samantha and Harry, one to Louis who puts it on top of Lexie and him, and the last on the couch that Jacob and me were sharing.

"Oops, I forgot one." I notice and start to head towards the stairs.

"We can share," Jacob says quickly. "If that's alright with you, of course."

"Um, yeah, that's fine," I stutter a bit. "I'm going to check on Nilou and Niall."

I walk throughout the kitchen and towards the back door that leads to the deck. I open the glass door quietly and look into the dark. I see Nilou and Niall laying in a blanket and another on top of them. Niall has his arm wrapped around Nilou's waist and they are laying right next to each other. I resist the urge to make a "awww" sound, so instead I shut the door, and walk back to the living room.

"I'm pretty sure they are both asleep." I inform Jacob and Liam, the only people who are still awake.

"Ok." They both say at the same time. Liam doesn't look away from his phone and Jacob is trying to figure out how to shut off the T.V.

"The power button is on the left hand side, on the front side of the T.V." I tell Jacob while heading over to the couch. I sit down and the room goes dark, except for the glow of Liam's phone. I unfold the blanket and cover myself with it. A few seconds later I feel Jacob slide next to me. I move over a bit, but I'm pull back over by Jacob, who put his arm around me. I squirm a around so I'm comfortable laying next to Jacob. I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I feel Jacob's lips on my forehead and hear him whisper "Good night." I let sleep over come me once again.

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