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I find myself heading back down the driveway at an pretty fast pace. Thankful than the horse at least had some tack, well all of its tack, on. The canter is quite hard to ride without stirrups. But for some reason the canter seems really familiar. I look down at the horse. The chocolate brown and fuzzy wavy back mane seems all too familiar.

I gasp in shock. It's one of my grandparents' horses. The one that I always rode as a little kid. Val. Then I smile remembering all the good tomes I had with this horse as a child. Also at that moment I remember that I was going to learn how to jump with Val. That made me smile even bigger remembering haw excited I was to learn how to jump. In the distance I see the rest if the people. Wow, we're Jacob and I just that fast running here? Eh no, they probably just slowed down. If that's even possible. Val senses that I wanted to catch up to those people. Probably because my grandparents always said that I would urge Val with my hips and making him go faster. Which wasnt that bad, unless you were supposed to go slow. Yet it did come in handy cuz if you ever are going fast on a horse, you know it's hard to kick of dig your heel into the horse to make them go faster. You are using too much leg strength to stay on and not move too much on the horse to move. So yes, if anyone was to ask me if it was a good skill to learn/have I would say yes. You would just need to learn how to bit urge your hips though so you aren't making your horse keep going faster, faster and faster. Cuz that would just be troublesome. All a sudden I notice that the group of people is right in front of me. I pull the reins a bit and sit back in the saddle to keep balance. Val stops right in command. Right in front of the group of people.

"Aw, he's so cute!" Jenna coos. Everyone else looks at me in confusion. I just smile.

"Guys meet Val." I say. Val bobs his head when he hears his name. No one moves. "You can pet him yanno. He doesn't bite."

Everyone move to pet his neck and face.

"He only kills." I whisper putting a distant look on my face. The whole group looks up at me with scared and shock looks on their faces. Then something happens that sets me off track. The sound if another horses running hooves.

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