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We got tired of riding the scooter and returned them about an hour later. I told everyone that we should probably head back soon, because my mom might start to worry about where we are. Liam got a bit upset about this, because he some how thought that if we were to get into trouble that it would be all his fault, even though I told him it was mine for wanting to ride the scooters. He wouldn't listen to me.

"We should have a race." Nilou suggests.

"What type of race?"Louis asks looking at her with a competitive look in his face.

"One where the last person to get home has to do a dare agreed on by everyone else." She says smirking.

"Deal!" Louis says shaking her hand.

"Hey what about the rest of us! What if we don't want to take part of this race!" Liam says looking a bit unhappy at the commotion about to take place.

"Yeah!" Niall says taking Liam's side.

"Niall, there's food at the house." Nilou says sweetly.

"Never mind then" He says quickly.

"Wait does everyone know how to get back home though?" Jacob asks. Wait a minute. Did he just call my house home? Okay, that's not odd at all. Note the sarcasm. Everyone nods.

"Good. Now everyone get into a line across the street!" Nilou yells. We follow her order and line up.

"Ready." Louis says.

"Get set!" Yells Harry.

"Just remember to look out for cars!" I add.

"Go!" We all shout and start sprinting down the street towards my house.

I make it into the front, passing everyone. I keeps running, turning my legs faster and faster, until they cannot go any faster. The wind in my hair blows it out of my face. That's a plus, now I can see where I'm going. My house is slowly coming into view. I hear someone running behind me. Quickly looking over my shoulder, I see that it is Jacob. Crud. Then I remember the hill coming up right before my house. I lean forward so when I hit the incline of the hill, I keep going at the same speed. Thankfully the hill slows down Jacob and I keep running as fast as I can. Then comes the decline of the hill. I lean back just a smidge to keep my balance, but put my weight forward slowly to I have gravity to pull me faster. I pick up even more speed, if that's even possible. Then my house comes fully into few. All a sudden it's just a few feet a away. I don't hear anyone coming, so I slow down only a little. I suck at stoping after running really fast. My one flaw of my speed. I turn onto my lawn and slip and fall on the smooth grass. I slide right onto the pavement of my drive way. My body screams in pain after I stop sliding, but I can't move. I just lay there and I close my eyes suddenly tired.

"Jessica?!" A worried voice calls. I open my eyes and see Jacob standing next to me. "Are you alright? Wait stupid question, no your not. What can I do to help?"

I look over at him knowing that he will see the pain in my eyes. And he does. He scoops me up and carries me bridal style into my kitchen. Wow he must be strong. He sets me on the island in the middle of the kitchen.nbsp;

"Jess?amp;" He asks softly.

"Yeah?;" I respond with the same amount of softness.

"Where's your first aid kit?" He says looking around.

"Up stairs in the bathroom, behind the mirror."

He stands up and walks up the stairs. In less than a minute he comes back down with the white first aid kit with the red cross on the front. He sets it down on the counter and opens it. Then he rummages through it grabbing out something every once and a while. He then turns to me with a cotton ball and a bottle of something.

"This might sting a little bit..." He trailed off as he put some of the liquid from the bottle onto the cotton ball. Then he dabbed the cotton ball onto the side of my knee. I winced a bit.

"Sorry." He said looking a bit guilty.

"Not your fault. I shoulda slowed down before I ran onto the grass." I trying to tell him that he was innocent.

"I know," he sighed. "But I still feel like its my fault." I anyone else said that to me I would have gotten mad, telling them I can take care of my self and that I don't need anyone to watch over me like a two year old. But I let it go, and let the words comfort me instead. He cleaned my other scrapes and put bandages and band aids in them. It took him a little while, hesitating every time I winced. The last wound was the one on my ankle. Jacob let out a little gasp when he looked at my ankle.

"Is it bad?"I ask a bit nervous and scared about how bad my ankle might be.

"It's not that bad, but it's still worse than the rest." He bites his lip, looking down at my ankle. Wow, he looks cute when he does that. Wait, what?! I did not just say that. Did I? Ug, frustration. Why are my feeling so mixed up? I focus my attention back to Jacob and my ankle. He is currently wrapping a bandage around my ankle, kinda like a cast. Jacob tries to tuck the end of the bandage underneath the top of the wrap, but he couldn't get it to stay.

"Here, you tuck it under like this..." I say bending over and tucking it under the right way. I look up, with my body still bent over, and see Jacob's face right in front of mine. Oh gosh.

"Are you ok?" He whispers. I look back down.

"Yeah." I say back mumbling a bit.

"Hey, look at me." He says softly, taking his index finger and putting it on the side of my jaw bone. He pushes my face gently with his finger until his face in front of mine again. I keep my eyes looking at the counter top, away from his eyes. "Look at me."

My eyes slowly make their way up to his face. I stare into his milk chocolate colored eyes. I feel him leaning towards me and I towards him. I close my eyes and feel his lips touch mine. I felt sparks as soon as they touched. The kiss was sweet. We were kissing for about five seconds, then the front door opened and Louis walked in.

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