Off She Goes

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"Can we go back now? I'm really hungry." Niall whines after 15 minutes of us taking about pointless things together. Like dull pencils. Haha get it? No? Oh, ok.

We didn't really talk about pencils.

Or did we?

I have absolutely no clue.

"Here eat this." I say tossing a granola bar at Niall, who catches it, unlike me who would probably end up dropping it.

"FOOD!" He screams holding up the bar, making us all flinch.

"What times is it?" Liam asks randomly.

"2:16." Justin replies after looking at his phone.

"CRAP! I HAVE TO GET HOME!" Samantha yells, quickly getting off the ground.

"What, why?" Harry asks, also standing up.

"I told my dad I would be home in 4 minutes!" She exclaims. "This is not good. So not good."

"What about your stuff at my house?" I ask by now almost all of us were on our feet.

"Um, just give it to me on Monday at school or something, I don't care. Bye guys, nice hanging with you." She says starting at jog towards the path in the woods she went home in the first time we met.

"Samantha wait!" Harry calls. Samantha pauses.

"I'm sorry Harry, I NEED to get home NOW. I'll... I'll see you later or something, ask Jessica or something but I need go. Bye." She returns to heading towards her way home, except almost sprinting now.

"It's ok Hazza." Louis consoles, bringing Harry into a hug, who looks quite distressed.

"Not now Lou." He says sternly pushing him away and walking back into the barn Louis' face turns into a frown.

"Well, that's unusual." Zayn comments.

"Jess, I don't know how or when, but you need to get Samantha with Harry." Louis says looking me into the eyes. It's quite scary truthfully.

"Ok." I says plainly, sending Louis into a look of shock.

"Just 'ok'?" Louis says mimicking me. "Do you not understand how complicated this is gonna be?"

"Yes 'ok'. And don't you understand how simple this could be?" I retort.

"Well lets here your plan then." He says tauntingly, crossing his arms.

"First they need to meet up again, except it should be 'accidental' so it seems less set up, then they need to go on a date or two, ya know, get to know each other and such, after that we get Harry to ask the question in a really cute way, but making sure they both like one another which its pretty obvious that Harry dose, and I'm 98% sure Samantha does too." I explain.

"Dang." Louis mumbles.

"I think we should focus on getting Harry out of his mood and home before all that, though." Lexie cuts in being the sensible one.

"Who's side are you on?" I ask fake glaring at her. "But since I came up with that amazing plan, I think I should be the one to go and talk to him."

"Ok." Is chorused several times.

"Whatever." Is mumbled by Louis, and with that I walk into the barn.

"Harry?" I call out looking around the barn. "Harry where are you."

"No where." Is the only response I get.

I'm about to say a sarcastic response, but decide not to. I don't know if Harry could handle it or not, so I'll just play it safe. "Look, I just want to talk."

"Unlike Samantha." Harry mumbles. I follow the sound to one of the stalls. The one with Apple to be exact. He's sitting down, back against the front of the stall, next to the door. His arms are folded on top of his knees and his head resting on them.

"Hey." I say softly and he looks up at me. "She didn't mean to hurt you. She just had to get home, and she's the type of girl to ignore any distractions there are to finish a task. And that's what getting home was: a task."

"So I'm a distraction then. Great." He says sarcastically, putting head between his hands.

"I didn't mean it that way." I tell him.

"Then how did you mean it?"

"I meant it like, she isn't going to let a guy control her life, she is gonna want to make her own decisions and live like she wants to. But that doesn't mean she's never going to like a guy or you." I go into the stall and sit next to him with Apple looking at us curiously from the corner.

"So I'm not a guy?" He says jokingly.

"Yep, that what my whole speech was about." I say rolling my eyes.

"Good to know."

"But seriously, it was unintentional. If someone told her what she did, she would feel really bad."

"When did you meet her again?"

"Like a day or two ago?" I say uncertain.

"And you know that much about her already?"

"Yep, your point?"

Harry just shakes his head. "So you can read people."


"Can you read me?"

"No, you're not a book."

"Ha ha ha. Very funny."

"I know, it's hilarious."

"You wanna hear a real jo-"


"Well then." He fake pouts.

"You ready to head back? Everyone is hungry."


"Lets go then." I usher him out of the stall, pretty much shoving him.

"I'm going! I'm going!"

"Not fast enough." I grumble. He stops, turns around, and gives me an odd look. "Hey! A girls gotta eat when a girls gotta eat!" Another odd look. "JUST GO!"

We quickly walk out of the barn and out to the gathering of people.

"THEY'RE HERE! THE BIGGEST...STARS ON THE THE PLANET!" Louis yells hesitating before saying stars.

"I thought it was 'band'." Lexie mummers deep in thought.

"SHHHH!" Louis shushes her, not so quietly.

"What?" I ask extremely confused.


"Ok." I say uncertain. "But we can head home to ea-"

"YES!" Niall screams.

"I think we should go." Justin says pointing in the direction my house is. "Unless we want Niall to eat us."

"I think we should go then." Nilou agrees

"Ha ha yeah." Niall says pouting about the fact we were making fun of him.

"ONWARDS!" Louis screams and starts running in the opposite direction.

"Uh, Lou, the house is that way." Liam says pointing to where just was just moments ago.

"Pssh, I knew that." He says in a high pitched voice, walking the right way now, but stopping once he was in our group again. "Right was Zayn?"

"Um, I rather not say, or I'll get in trouble either way." He answers scratching the back of his neck

"Fine be that way!" Louis say crossly. "C'mon Niall, lets go since erroneous is being mean here."

"Jenna hasn't said anything mean, or really anything at all..." Justin says trying to defend his girlfriend, but kinda fails at the end.

"I'm hurt I haven't." Jenna says faking upset. "Isn't that right carrot boy?"

"IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE!" Louis whines. "Lets go Niall."

He grabs Niall wrist, pulling him away from Nilou, and walking the wrong way...again.

"Louissss." Liam says and pointing once again.

"Be quiet." Louis sasses waking past us, and away for real this time.

"I think we better follow to make sure they end up at my house and not China." I say really loudly, so Louis can hear me.

"I SAID BE QUIET!" Louis shouts back over his shoulder at us, still dragging Niall with him. Niall's eyes wide, and he's mouthing 'help' at us. We all just wave at him with weird smiles on our face trying no to laugh and once they are out of sight, we let our laughter out and follow them.

"Now lets go get some food!" Harry exclaims.

And that is how I spent my morning after an eventful sleepover.

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