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"AHHHH IT BURNS!" Louis screams. Jacob and I break apart and we both start blushing. If I wasn't extremely embarrassed at the moment, I would have "awwed" at pink on Jacob's face.

"Ummm..." I say running my hand through my hair, not really knowing what to say. No one says anything. Just complete silence.

"Louis? Where did you go?" Liam shouts from outside.

"I'm in here." Louis shouts back.

"Can we not..." I start, but trail off.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone, unless you want me too." Louis says quietly with a wink, as everyone starts to file into my kitchen. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Wait. Who lost?" Jacob asks. We all look at the door and see Nilou walk in.

"Hey guys, did yo- crud. I'm the last one aren't I." Nilou says her eyes becoming wide at the end. Everyone gets an evil look in their eye, some of us even smirking. *cough* Louis, Lexie, and Harry *cough*. Nilou looks around at our faces. "I'm going to run away now."

Niall and Zayn reach out and grab her before she can get out the door.

"Noooo! Help!" Nilou shouts.

"Crud." Everyone, but Louis says.

"Don't worry I will save you! SUPERMAAAA*voice crack*AAAN!" Louis screams charging at Nilou, Niall, and Zayn. Zayn and Niall quickly let go of Nilou and Louis grabs Nilou's and throws her over his shoulder.

"I have an idea for her punishment!" I say smirking.

"Oh no." Nilou gasps.

"What!" Everyone yells at the same time.

"I say that Nilou has to sleep outside with only a blanket and a pillow. No tent or sleeping bag." I evilly say.

"No. No. NO!" Nilou is exclaiming looking really scared. "You know I don't like sleeping outside!"

"Precisely." I'm grinning now while saying this.

"I think that that's a great idea!" Harry exclaims and everyone else, but Nilou, murmur in agreement.

"Nooooooo!" She whines.

"Don't worry, I'll stay with you outside." Niall says, smiling at her. Awwwwwwwww. That's so cute! Nilou blushes and looks at the ground. We all stand there, not doing really anything. Well, besides breathing and look at another, waiting for some one to speak.

"Soooooooo..." I say slowly. "What time is it?"

Everyone shrugs and I roll my eyes. I look behind me at the stove and see that the clock on there says that it is eight o'clock already. Wow, we were gone awhile.

"What do we do now?" Zayn asks, speaking my thoughts exactly. There were a few murmurs of 'I don't know's.

"How about we watch a movie?" Lexie suggests.

"Yeah!" We all yell.

"Which movie?" I ask.

"Finding Nemo!" Liam shouts. I give him a strange look.

"Finding. Nemo." I say repeating slowly.

"Yep, do you have it?" Liam asks looking dead serious.

"I think so..." I hop off the counter top, wincing in pain a little, and slowly walk into the living room. Then I head over to the cabinet where we keep the movies. I run my finger over the bind of the movie cases, until I find the movie I'm looking for.

"I found it guys!" I shout.

"Yay!" They exclaim as the walk over to the living room and sit on the couches in front of the T.V. input the DVD in and turn it on. I hit the play button and say down.

"Wait, what about the popcorn?!" Niall exclaims.

"I'll go make some." I sigh, standing up.

"I'll help." Jacob adds following me into the kitchen. I grab a bag of microwaveable popcorn and start to close the cupboard, but I'm interrupted.

"I would grab two bags if I were you." Jacob advises. I make a confused face. "Niall will eat a whole bag by himself."

"Oh." I say and reopen the cupboard, grabbing another bag.

"How about you make a bag and I'll make the other?" Jacob asks.

"Sure." I break the plastic wrapping around the bag of popcorn seeds and stick the bag into the microwave. Jacob does the same, except sets his package on the counter next to microwave. I hit the "popcorn" button on the microwave and hit start.

"How did you meet One Direction?" I ask suddenly. Jacob looks a bit taken aback.

"Well, my mom works with the music industry and she brought me to work one day ant there they were. We hung out a lot when we could and we became good friends. My mom's job is why I move a lot. I travel with her wherever her job takes her."

"Oh, wow." Was all I could say.


Then the microwave went off saying that the popcorn was done cooking. I find bowls and start pouring popcorn into them. Jacob puts his bag into the microwave and shuts the door. He lifts his hand up, but puts it back down.

"What button do I press to cook the popcorn?"

"The one that says "popcorn", then start and it should start cooking."

"Oh, duh." Jacob says while face palming. I laugh at him and continue to pour popcorn. Jacob's bag soon is done and I pour some of that popcorn into more bowls, but I leave half the bag. Jacob gives me a strange look. We start to carry out the bowls.

"Don't give a bowl to Niall." I whisper to Jacob. He nods and starts to hand out the bowls he's carrying and I do the same, but hid the half full bag of popcorn behind the couch I'm sitting on. Jacob and I both save a bowl for ourselves and go sit down. We both end up sharing the two person couch because the rest of the other couches are taken and truthfully, my floor isn't that comfortable. All of us start to munch on our popcorn as the movie starts and I glance over at Niall. I stifle a laugh at his expression. He's sitting on the couch gaping at Jacob and me.

"Niall, I know I'm really awesome and all, but seriously you don't have to stare at me." I say raising my eyebrows at him. Everyone laughs and Jacob gives me discreet high five.

"I-I-I" Niall stutters blushing.

"Just spit it put already!" I shout.

"I DIDN'T GET ANY POPCORN!!!" He screeches.

Everyone starts muttering.


"Geez, someone has a big pair lungs."

"That's Niall and his food for ya."

I reach behind me and throw him the half bag of popcorn.

"Where's the rest of the bag?" He asks peering into the bag.

"Either in everyone's stomachs or in their bowls." I say giving him a "duh" expression.

"Not cool." He says glaring at me and starts to eat his popcorn. I just smirk and focus back to the movie. But it was hard to focus on it because of how close Jacob was sitting next to me and how his arm was draped behind me on the back of the couch. I try to ignore him, but I can't. I notice how if I leaned back about half a foot, I would be leaning on him and how he's staring at the screen, like everything is normal. Ok, I can sit here awkwardly and try to ignore him, and fail miserably or take a chance and lean back. I panic a little, not knowing what to do. I glance around the room and see Zayn sleeping, Lexie with resting her head on Louis shoulder, Samantha and Harry cuddling, Nilou and Niall eating popcorn together with Nilou pressed up close against Niall, and Liam staring intently at the T.V. screen. I take a deep breath and make up my mind.

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