The Phone Call

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My dad and Jacob stand there just staring at each other for a minute of two. My mom and I not knowing what to do at the moment.

"Well I think I'm going to go outside for a walk, if that's alright with everyone. It feels great to be out pride at this time of day. Don't get to enjoy the afternoon sun everyday you know." My dad says.

We all wave goodbye to my dad as he walks back out the door, none of us moving much. We stare at him as he walks back down the road.

"Will you be joining us for diner tonight Jacob?" My mother says causally.

I don't get how she can say something so normal after what just happened. I mean that doesn't happen everyday in our family, much less the town!

"Aw crud, my mom is probably wondering where I am. Do you happen to have a phone?" Jacob asks.

"Uh, yeah we do, it um might not just work to good." I tell him.

"Well lets try it out then shall we?" Jacob says with a smile.

We walk in the kitchen, where the one and only phone my family has, is located.

"Do you know your home number." I ask Jacob.

"Yeah I should. I always try to memorize it right away when we move, in case I ever need to call."

He says. "But this actually the first time I have had to call home."

I get two thoughts after those sentences. 1) He must have moved more than once before I his life. 2) Every house he moves into, it has a phone. 3) He's probably never gotten in trouble at school if he hasn't had to call home before.

"Hello? Mom? Ya it's Jacob. Ya sorry I didn't call earlier. I'm at a friend's house. I know, but I had to help her with a complication after school. *Sigh* Yes mom my friend is a

her. Ok love you too, bye." And then Jacob hung up.

"My mom says I can stay for diner," Jacob informs me. "But I have to call her before 7:30 so I can tell her the address of your house. So she can pick me up."

"Ok." Is all I say back.

We stand in the kitchen in silence for a few more seconds before Jacob speaks.

"Do you want to check on the horse?"

"Uh sure." I respond.

We walk out to the backyard and sit on fenceless deck gazing into the backyard at the horse. The black horse is grazing contently at our grass.

"You know we never named the horse" Jacob says suddenly.

"Phantom." I say quietly.

"What?" Jacob asks confusedly.

"Phantom," I repeat. "The horse's name is Phantom."

----later that night----

We finished diner and Jacob went home after we hugged goodbye. I told my parents good night and went to bed. I was exhausted from all the excitement that happened over the day. But i didn't not fall asleep right away. I laid there thinking to my self how weird the day was. About how TWO of my day dreams somehow came true. And thinking about Jacob. How nice he was and that he wanted to be my friend. Plus the fact of the happiness of the day that I met Jacob. Suddenly a thought rushed into my head. Jacob says he has moved before. Does that mean he was going to be moving again?! I tried to clear that thought away, but it lingered. The more I tried to ignore it the more trouble some thoughts I had. What if Jacob suddenly stops liking me? What if becomes friends with Sheila and hates me? What if dad loses his job? What if I lose Phantom?! I fell asleep troubled.

----the next morning----

I woke up in the morning feeling like I didn't sleep at all. I roll over in my bed and look at my alarm clock.

'CRUD! It's 10:00 already! Why didn't my alarm go off!" I said apparently louder than I thought I did because my mom appeared at my door ways saying,

"You looked really tired so I let you sleep today."

"But mom, I wanted to ride the bus to school!"

"Does it have to do with the boy that you brought home last night?" She asks with a smirk.

"Mom! No! We are just friends!" I reply, slightly lying.

"Ok, ok. I can drive you to school I guess, if you really want to go."

"Yes! Thank you mom!" I shout at her as she leaves me in my room to get ready.

I know, I know, most people would be REALLY grateful to not have to go to school. Especially in the second to last day of school. But not me. I kinda like school. Crazy. I know. But that's where I can day dream the best. Weird, right? Yeah, I get that a lot. Trust me. Yet I still go to school and day dream, no matter what others have to say.

I get dressed in a plain T-shirt and jeans shorts that stop right above my knees. I quickly brush my hair, making sure that my hair has no tangles and is laying down flat, some what. Then I run down stairs and stuff some peanut butter toast in my mouth, that my mom made for me. I thank her silently.

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