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I get off Phantom and take him back to the stables.

"Do you mind waiting just a couple minutes? I need to brush Phantom." I say to Jacob.

"Sure." He replies and sits down on a stool in the isle way a couple feet away.

I take Phantom's "bridle" off and replace it with the halter and make sure the cross ties are attached correctly to it. I start brushing him down the exact same way as before, but with less nervousness. I finish way faster without having to make p sure Phantom isn't scared of the objects. Hooking the lead rope to the halter and detaching the cross ties from it, I start walking outside. Jacob and Phantom follow me. I walk out the doors, take a left past the large apple tree, and head to the pastures. I check the fence of the closest one to make sure the fence isn't broken anywhere. It isn't, so I unlock the gate and let Phantom in, unhooking his lead rope, letting him roam free. His head quickly drops to the ground and he starts grazing. I watch him for a little while, then look around. I movement catches my eye.

"What the.." I say.

"What is it Jess?" He asks me.

I blush a little when he calls me by my bnickname.

"There's something over there." I say plainly.

"Well, lets go check it out shall we?" He says with a smirk and grabs my hand pulling me in the opposite direction of where I saw the movement.

"Hey, we are going in the wrong direction!" I yell, pulling him back the other way.

"Yeah, you need to go in One Direction and I think you should head in the right direction too, Jacob."A voice sounds behind us. I jump and turn around and it's no other than Harry Styles with a smirk on his face. Of course. I couldn't help but laugh, I always laugh at jokes no matter how silly or stupid they are. Jacob and Harry look at me laughing a d start laughing too. My laughs are just that contagious.

From the corner of my eye I see a movement again. I suddenly stop laughing and start walking towards it. The two boys follow me. We walk slowly, everyone is looking really hard and listening really carefully for any sign of the thing.

"Vas happening!" Someone yells behind us. We all jump from the sudden noise. We look back at where the noise sounded. Zayn. Duh.

Then a large object flys in front of us in the pasture.

"What the..." I hear someone mutter.

I just smile. "Score." I say

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Harry asks.

"That." I say still smiling as the flying object slows down and turns into an animal.

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