Oh Mother

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We arrive at my house 20 minutes later. Man, I didn't think my house was this far from the bus stop. The horse thankfully followed us home with out hesitation. I knew that this horse was mine.

"Jessie? Is that you?" My mother yells.

"Ya, mom it's me. I brought a friend with me." I yell back.

My mother comes out the front door in her apron, she must have been cooking dinner early. She walks onto the porch, and then stands there with a stunned look on her face. I guess it was a sight to see, for one I have never brought a friend home, much less a guy friend and two, I came home with a strange black horse that had no halter or lead rope. So yeah I expected her to be a bit stunned, but really for this long!

"Oh, mother." I sigh.

Jacob laughs a little to him self. My mom then snaps out of her phase and says 'hello' to Jacob then motions me to come into the house, her eyes wide.

"Jessica, I had no idea you made a friend! Much less that you were going to bring him home!" She exclaims, emphasizing the word 'him'.

"And you brought home a horse! Where on earth did you get that thing! How do think we can afford to keep it, much less stable it!" She rants on and on

"Mom!" I exclaim. Look I brought home a friend, and I know he's a guy, but please be nice and the horse well he's the reason why my friend is here. He.... helped me catch it. In a way. It's a long story."

"Well I guess you will have some explaining to do when your friend leaves, but for now you and your friend being the horse into the backyard. I thing I have a large tub that we can fill up with water some where around here..."

I go out the front door and tell Jacob my mom's instructions.

"Hey, um, sorry, um, about my mom. I don't really bring home friends that often. Or horses. I kind freaked her out a bit with bring both home at the same time."

"Oh, well I can leave if you need me--"

"NO! I, oh um, meant that you don't have to leave. I mean you can if you want to. I mean it would be nice if you stayed." I cut in.

"I guess I'm staying then." Jacob says with a smirk, as my mom comes out of the garage carrying a large trough. We both rush over to help her.

We get the horse settled in the backyard and fill the though with hose water. Then we all head back inside and sit down at the table. I stare out the big kitchen window. And put my head down on top of my arms on the table. I start to day dream automatically. I dream of my dad walking down the street to tell me and my mom that he got promoted. That he doesn't have to work as long and get payed more. That he can spend more time with ME. I stare at the window "watching" my dad walk down the road. All a sudden I hear a gasp come from next to me.

"What is he doing home already! Oh I hope he didn't get fired!" My mother says worriedly as my dad "walks" through the door.

"No I didn't get fired," booms the voice that I miss too often. "I got promoted!"

'Wait what?!' I think to myself.

"What?! Oh this is so exciting!" Exclaims my mom. "Jess go tell your dad congratulations and go give him a hug!" She adds sternly.

I then snap out if my amazement. Dad DID really come home and he DID really get promoted as my mom and me have always hoped. I run over and give my dad a giant hug and whisper excitedly an "congratulations." We both walk around the corner to where my mom is standing astonish led and Jacob sitting with a smile on his face.

"Oh hello there." My dad says to Jacob causally, as if I have guys over all the time.

"Hi." Jacob responds politely back, a bit sleepy from all the work. Jacob stands up and walks over to shake my dad's hand. 'I'm Jacob, Jessica's friend from school."

"We'll I'm Jessica's dad, as you could probably guess." My dad responds back. Gosh this is so embarrassing.

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