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We decided to let Phantom into the same pasture as the dapple and then we all left. The rest of One Direction left for real this time and Jacob and I went back to my house.

"I don't think we should tell my mom about the other horse." I say suddenly.

"Ok." Jacob says and we continue walking in silence.

We get about half way home when Jacob asks me a question.

"Do you like Harry?" The question takes me aback. Jacob asked the question like he was JEALOUS. Jacob never struck me as the jealous type. Never.

"Um, well I , uh, like him as a friend and nothing more, if that's what you were asking." I say cautiously.

"Oh, ok." And the silence once again returns.

After what seems like forever, we arrive at my house.

"Could I borrow your phone again to call my mom?" Jacob asks.

"Sure." And with that we walk into my kitchen and he dials his mom's number.

"Hey mom could you come and pick me up? No mom I am not in any trouble. I'm sure. 'Kay bye." He says. "My mom says she will be here in five minutes."

"Okay, what do you want to do then for the next four and a half minutes?" He laughs at my exactness.

"I guess we could play a card game or something." He says.

"Hold on I'll go get a deck of cards." I dash off to find the deck of cards that we keep in one of the kitchen drawers. Finally, I find them and I run back into the kitchen where Jacob was sitting.

We decided to play king's corners for the time remaining. Then we heard a car pulling up my drive way. We both stand up and walk to my front door.

"Bye Jess, see you tomorrow." He says and pulls me into a hug. As we stop hugging he gives me a quick kiss on my cheek. And says "Bye." Again.

"Bye." I say weakly as he walks out the door. I don't know what to do. He just, he just, just, kissed my cheek.

I smile and sink to the floor.

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