Truth or Dare 2

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*sometime later*

( Zayn and Liam are sitting on a two person couch together, Lexie and Louis on another two person couch, Harry laying down on a three person couch with Jacob sitting on the end of it, Nilou sitting on the arm of the couch next to Lexie, Niall standing next to where Lexie was sitting, and me(Jessica) sitting cross legged in the floor.)

"Truth or dare Niall?" Louis asks.

"Dare." Niall responds.

"I dare you to kiss Nilou for 5 seconds straight," He says with a smirk. "On the lips."

Nilou's eyes go wide and Niall expression was really hard to explain, it was mixed emotions. Then he turns to Nilou, grabs her by her waist, and starts kissing her. For 5 seconds straight. They look so cute together. I know that Nilou really likes Niall. When they stop, they are both smiling. Except Nilou is blushing way more than Niall. They look so happy. Niall turns her around, so she facing everyone else, and sets her back on the arm of the chair.

"Louis, truth or dare." Niall asks, trying not to smile or smirk. It look funny, because he is miserably failing.

"You can't do that! I just went!" He exclaims.

"There's no rule that you can't " Niall says with the weird look on his face. They all look at me like I'm the truth or dare referee. Sigh.

"There really isn't..." I say hesitantly. Louis gapes at me.

"I thought that I was your favorite!" Louis says offended, clearly faking it.

"Yeah, well I like fair play better. And Jacob." I say, but I whisper the last part. Crud. Why did I have to say that out loud.

"Louis..." Niall says in a mocking voice.

"Ug, fine, dare." He says with an exasperated sigh.

"I dare YOU to kiss LEXIE on the lips for five seconds."

I don't think I have ever seen Lexie turn that red before. Ever. Then I again I have only known her for 2 days. Oh well. Since they were already sitting next to each other Louis takes one of his fingers and turns her face towards his, leans in, and kisses her gently for 5 seconds, as he was dared. Aw, they would be a cute couple to, but wait isn't louis the oldest one and I know Harry is 18, so how old is Louis?!

Day Dreams (1D fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ