Don't Forget

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"Oh, don't forget about the horse." My mother adds before she walks out the door.

Dang it. Totally forgot about the horse in my backyard.

"What horse?" Niall asks with a confused look on his face.

"Long story." I say rolling my eyes. I run up stairs change into long jeans, then quickly grab my old riding boots that surprisingly still fit, and put them on. Rummaging through the boxes my grandparents gave me before they died, and find the green halter and lead rope. I run outside and slow down to the walk and cautiously approach the grazing black horse.

"Hey there buddy. How are you doing?" I ask the horse. Crazy that I'm talking to a horse right? Well not really. To a person who only sees horses when they drive past them, it would seem weird, but to a person who is a rider, knows a rider, or is a horse owner, it would seem weird to NOT talk to a horse. I know that my grandparents farm is in walking distance. Phantom lifts his head up and lets me put his halter on without a fight. I cluck and gently tug on the halter and start walking towards the gate. He follows me without hesitation. We reach the gate, I unlatch it, and me and Phantom walk out of the yard.

It takes us a couple minutes to reach the farm. When my parents were married, they bought the house that was the closest and least expensive they could find to my mom's parents. We arrive at the old barn. My eye sight gets a little blurry when I think about how much I miss them and how awesome it would be for them to see me right now. I wipe the tears away and continue walking. Phantom and I enter the barn. I hear the sparrows chirping and fluttering around the rafters. I hook Phantom up to the cross ties in the middle of the isle way. I head into the tack room and find where the buckets of brushes and tack are. I bring out a dusty navy blue bucket and grab the black curry comb. I hold it up by Phantom's face and let him sniff it. He inhales deeply then looks away. I take it as a sign that he's fine with the idea of it. I start brushing him, moving the comb in circles on his coat. Not much dirt or hair comes off. I move on to the stiff brush and repeat the same steps, except brushing him in long strokes and flicking my wrist at the end so more dirt and hair comes off. Next comes the soft brush and just brushing off the dust the stuff brush left on Phantom. I search the bucket for the hoof pick. I get a little nervous with having to do this step. But I ignore the feeling and grab Phantom's ankle and squeeze it a little clucking. He lifts up his foot easily, as if he's used to having his hoofs cleaned out. I quickly finish all four of his feet. I notice that none of his feet have horseshoes on them. With all the brushes back in the bucket, I pick it up and carry it back into the tack room. I look for the bridles and find one with out a bit. Perfect. I look for some reigns and noticed some draped across a saddle, not a attached to anything but themselves. Even better. Taking the reigns, I bring them over to the bridle and attach them to the nose band loop on the end. Picking up the bit-less bridle, I take it out of the tack room, over to Phantom. Unhooking the halter, I replace it with the bridle. I'm ready to head out to the outdoor arena my grandparents had.

We reach the arena and look around at it. It had some weeds and grass growing in the arena'a sand. Oh well. I bring Phantom to the middle of the arena and stop. I think to myself, either I get on the horse and possibly injure myself and the horse, or chicken out and ignore the possibility of having the most amazing time ever on a horse. Deep breath here goes nothing...

I climb on to Phantom's back. I make a clucking noise. He starts walking. His gait feels smooth and connected. I take a deep breath. I say a small prayer and squeeze his stomach a little with my heels. He starts to canter. Perfect. We ride around the arena. I feel a urge to go faster. That feeling I don't ignore. Phantom picks up his gallop without me having to do anything, like he knew what I wanted to do. We fly around the arenas. I let my hair flow freely behind me and forget all my worries. I just enjoy the ride.

Day Dreams (1D fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora