Waking Up

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My eyes slowly flutter open and I take in my surroundings. Everyone is still asleep and I look at the clock on the wall. 7:30 am. Yep that's right I woke up at 7:30 am after a late night sleepover. And yes I'm totally fine with waking up this early. I usually wake up a hour earlier than this, but I guess today was an exception because of the late night. I slowly wiggle out of Jacob's grasp, so Idont wake him, and stand up. I stretch out and sigh. I walk over to the window that looks onto my deck. Nilou and Niall are still sleeping. IDEA! I cautiously walk up the stairs, making sure they don't creak. Walking quickly into my room I change into a clean pair of jeans, a red and white striped tank top, paddock boots (A/N they look similar to combat boots), and put my hair in a low side pony. Then I go over to my desk and pull out my sharpies, walk into my parents bathroom, cautious to make sure they don't wake up, and grab hair gel, then walk back down the stairs. I set the items down then I head over to the door that leads to my garage. Just as I was about to open the door, it opens its self, scaring me a bit. There stands Louis with the big plastic bucket I was going to grab.

"What you thought that you would be the only one pranking others?" Louis asks with a devilish look on his face.

"What I didn't think is that other people would be up at this time." I reply smartly, walking back to the items I collected.

"Its called jet lag love." I roll my eyes at Louis' comment.

"You go fill the bucket with water in the kitchen, but not too full that you can't lift it-"

"Wait, you don't think these guns can't lift up a simple bucket of water?" Louis cuts in flexing his 'guns'.

"As I was saying, you fill the bucket while I draw on their faces, gel Zayn's hair down, and cover Liam with spoons."

"Don't gel Zayn's flat, make it stick up in different directions." Louis advises.

"But I thought there was only One Direction?" I fake confusion.

"Original." Louis says while rolling his eyes.

"Very." Then we walk to do our dirty work.

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