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I made it all the way to luck without thinking about Jacob or what happened between Sheila and Jacob. I got my lunch, which was a hamburger with lettuce and ranch. Yes ranch, I like to eat ranch with almost anything. Especially potatoes. I scan the lunch room for Lexie and Nilou. I find them sitting in the far left corner near the set of windows. I walk over there and sit down next to Nilou, who is sitting on the end.

"Seems like you found us alright." Nilou says to me.

"Yep." I say popping the P.

We talk for a while about just random stuff. Then come the topic of favorite bands. I say that I don't have one and Nilou and Lexie both say that 1D is their favorite. I then remember the sleep over.

"Hey, you guys want to come over to my house for a sleep over Friday?" I ask them.

"Sure, we would have to ask out parents first, but we would love to go. What time, if we can come should we come over?" Lexie asks.

"4:30ish would be great." I say with a smile. The two others smile with me.

"Then, hopefully, its a plan." Lexie says with all of us happy.

Day Dreams (1D fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ