The Horse

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I could feel Jacob staring at me even though I was facing the other way. Facing the window. I tired to ignore the prickling feeling I get when someone stares at me. I day dream instead as the bus starts to pull away from the school, starting its 15 minute drive towards my neighborhood.

*----------------a bit later---------------*

I day dream the same dream as I tend to do. The dream where the rare and beautiful black horse is running along side the bus. I feel a poke on my shoulder and I hesitantly look away from the window.

"Ya?" I ask.

"What are you doing?" Jacob asks me.

"Well what do you think I would be doing?" I retort.

"Um, I don't know maybe... TELL SOMEONE ELSE ABOUT THE WILD HORSE RUNNING ALONG THE BUS!" he says a bit angrily.

"Wait. You can see the black horse too??" I exclaim, surprised.

"Uh ya!" He says like I'm mental.

"I can see it too." A random person sitting in front of us who apparently was eavesdropping on us.

The bus slows to one the first stop. I quickly glance out the window and confirm that the horse is still there. I stand up and walk to the front of the bus.

"Hey wait up!" A voice exclaims behinds me.

I look back and see Jacob hurrying up the bus isle and Sheila glaring at me once more.


I walked off the bus with Jacob and looked around for the horse. I didn't have to look around though really. Or approach the horse. It approached me instead. I opened my hand so it was flat and let the horse smell it. It started to nibble my hand a bit.

"Stop that it tickles!" I giggle.

The horse keeps nibbling my hand though. 'I hope I can keep him.' I think to my self.

"Don't you think we should figure out who's horse this is?" Jacob voice cuts through my thoughts.

"Oh um yeah." I respond kinda glumly. I forgot that this guy might be someone else's pet. That thought just makes me sadder.

"Hey, are you ok?" Jacob asked me softly.

"Yeah, sorry its just that seeing this horse reminds me if my grandparents' old horse farm. The both passed away a couple years ago."

"Oh I'm so sorry." He saids pulling me into a hug.

We stand there for a minute, just watching the black horse eat the grass from the ground.

"But I think you are right. We need to find this guy's home if he has one. But first we have to catch

him and bring him, I guess to my house. I have a fenced in backyard." I say more to my self than to Jacob.

"Ok then lets get him caught. It's a 'he' right?" Jacob asks

"Ya, it is I just know its a he." I respond going with my conscience.

I mean the horse I always dream about has the same coloring as this one blank mane, tail, body, except for one leg which it 1/4 white and its face. The face is how I know. Its face is jet black except that in stead of a white stripe or star, the white starts under the forelock and then circles under each eye, ending at the corner of them. If this horse isn't a stallion, then it isn't the right horse.

"How are we going to get it to your house?" Jacob asks.

"Well, it followed the bus this whole way, so I think it might follow us if we start walking towards my home." I respond to his question. Hoping that the WILL follow us.

"That might just work," Jacob says to me."Let's get you home!" He says to the horse afterwards.

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