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I decide to start with Zayn because if I start with the others they might wake up more easily. I grab the bottle of gel and decide to go with Louis' instructions. I cautiously open the cap of the gel, flinching a bit when it makes a popping noise, indicating it is open. Lookin around the room, I noticed that no one woke up thankfully. I squeese some gel on to my hand and strait making Zayn's hair go in every which way. The back of the bottle says that the gel will dry in two to five minutes. I close the cap,once again flinching at the noise of the cap closing. Still no one awakens. I put the bottle back over by the sharpies and take out a black normal sized one. I start with Harry by drawing a Harry Potter scar on his forehead and glasses around his eyes. His arm is showing so I write "HOGWARTS RULZ" on it. Then on the inside of his arm I write all the quotes I can think of from the Harry Potter series. "You're a wizard Harry", "welcome to Hogwarts", "blimey!", "he-shall-not-be-named", and "he's got the snitch!" were among a few of them. Smirking at my marvolus work, I start in Samantha. "I prefer Aussies" was written on her forehead. And U.K. with a red X through it on her left cheek. Then I slowly moved her hair away from her neck and wrote "taken" in cursive writing to look like a tattoo just above where her collar bone started. Satisfied with my work on her go over to where Jacob is sitting.

"You know I'm awake right?" He asks opening one eye.

"Yeah, but unless you want to be blamed for all this awesome work, I would let me draw on you." I smirk.

"Confusing, but point made." He closes his eye. "Go ahead."

I think for a moment, before decided what to do. I draw the Jacob Black tattoo on his cheek. Which trust me, it's a pretty complicated tattoo. Once I finish that I draw a wolf howling and wrote "I'm Jacob Black" on his forehead.

"Done." I say and move onto Lexie. On Lexie I draw carrots with faces and a pigeon. I write "KEVIN?!" under the pigeon. Then in her forehead I write "Louis's Girl" in bold letters. There. I'm now done with my marker work. I set the marker back in the bag, then hide the hair gel and markers. I quickly walk into the kitchen and grab as many spoons as possible. I carry them out the spread them on and around Liam, careful to not wake him up. I take a step back and look around the room admiring my work, smiling. Then Louis walks in. His eyes go a bit wide in shock of what I did.

"Harry Styles into Harry Potter, a classic." He says nodding. "And Jacob into Jacob Black. Well done. Oh, I got the bucket filled too."

"Ok, and your telling me this because..." I trail off.

"Well I can't, urm, lift the bucket out of the sink." He says mumbling at the end while looking at the ground. I stifle a laugh.

"Let me try, Mr. These Guns Can Handle Anything." I tease. Louis's face just turns a bit redder. I walk into the kitchen with Louis in tow. I head over to the sink and put my hands on either side of the bucket. I pull upwards. The bucket lifts up easily. "Oh yes this bucket is soon heavy."

"I made it lighter." He says glaring at me.

"That makes no sense." I say bunching my eyebrows together and shaking my head.

"What ever." He mumbles. Then we hear a shriek. Louis and I look at each other realizing that we are the only ones who weren't pranked. I quickly set the bucket down on the floor. I shove Louis next to the bucket and sprint up the stairs and dive into my bed, covering my self with my blankets.

"Louis William Tomlinson! Get your famous butt in here!" I hear Lexie yell.

"I didn't do anything!" Louis whines.

"Oh yeah, then why are you the only one who isn't harmed by a prank yet?" I can just see Lexie glaring at him.

"It was Jessica!" Louis exclaims. "She helped too!"

Then I hear Lexie foot steps go look in the living room. Then her foot steps are headed up the stairs. I close my eye and pretend to be sleeping. My bedroom door opens the closes quietly after a few seconds.

"Louis! She still sleeping! We could have woken her up!" Lexie scolds.

"But what about the people in the living room? Why aren't you afraid to wake them up?!"

"Because they are already wake!" I picture Louis eyes go wide in fright.

That's what you get Louis for trying to interfere with MY pranking...

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