You can... RIDE???

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I look behind me in shock to see what horse was approaching us. It was dark brown with two white socks. (A/N white on the legs) I come a but confused until look up. There was a person riding the horse. And not any horse, but.. JACOB?! Wait what! Jacob pulls the horse to a stop right next to me.

"Hey." Jacob says smiling. Everyone is staring at Jacob with shocked faces besides Liam, Justin, and Jenna. I understand why Justin and Jenna wouldn't be surprised because they hardly know Jacob. But Liam... That's just not right.

"You ride?" I look at Jacob with my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, for a couple years now." He says thinking.

"And you never told me?" I say glaring at him a bit.

"Um, no.." He says hesitantly.

"We'll then have fun riding," I look at the horse, cue shock. "Apple."

With that I turn Val a hit sharply.

"Sorry bud." I whisper to him then urge him into his canter that I came accustomed to. I know that my leaving them was a bit sudden, but heh a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. And u have a plan too. If you wondering who Apple is, she is another one of my grandparents' horses. She is an Appalossa. Her main coat was a dark brown and her croup and flanks are white with various sizes of spots the same color of her main coat. Her mane and tail pure black. Apple's full name is My Little Apple, named after the first horse I competed with: My Little Max. Val's full name is Valesano. Apple was raised by grandparents before they died so she means alot to me. I still don't get where and how Jacob found her. I didn't see any other horses in the barn te last time and I don't know why there would be ANY horses on the property either. It just makes no sense. I try to forget about all my troubles as I head towards the forest. You know the forest behind my grandparents' farm? Yep that one. We reach the edge of the forest where I decide to ride on the path that goes in a half circle so I don't have to worry about turning around. I slow Val down to a walk to make the ride safer and to take a bit longer. I do t want to speed this alone time up. I can't help but let my mind slip into my stored memories.


"Look grandma I'm doing it!" I exclaim as I'm successfully cantering around the arena on their beginner horse, as they call it, O'lee. O'lee is a golden brown, half over weight Arabian horse. My grandma smiles and send me a thumbs up.

"Keep it up!" She says from the other side of the arena where she is standing in her faded jeans, blue floral print blouse, and beaten up cowboy boots. 'Just the way I like them' is what she waited say about her boots.

"2:30!" Grandpa calls from the house kitchen. He was trying to bake a cake for grandma for their anniversary tonight. He always yells 2:30 to let grandma and me know when my lesson is over. If it wasn't their anniversary today, grandpa would probably be in the barn cleaning something wether it be a stall, tack, or a horse. And depending on the day those words are saving and saddening. Today was saddening because its was the first day cantering. I slow O'lee down anyways and direct him the middle of the arena to hop off.

"Denise! I need help in here!" My grandpa all a sudden shouts sounding scared. My grandma obviously heard the desperation in his voice and starts running to the house. I finish tucking the stirrups up so they don't flop at O'lee's side. I never noticed how serious the situation was

If I was taller I would've seen the flames inside the house.

If I was older I could've went to help.

If I stronger I could've pulled them out.

If I smarter I would've went for help.

But no, I was none of those things. I couldn't help, I didn't know how to. All I did was watch the flames grow bigger and run home as fast as I could, tripping a few times, to my mom. She raced as fast as she could to their house while she yelled at my dad to call 911. I went with my mom and saw the firefighters pull them out all burnt. Dead. And all my fault.


I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face as I played the memory over.

The day I cantered was the day they died.

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