The Boy

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Two weeks left of school and I can hardly wait. It already feels like the middle of the summer, its so hot. Algebra is one of the most boring classes ever. Most people think that's really hard, but for me it's not, I just get it right away. I have the same routine. Day dream in class, figure out the home work, finish the homework, and get an A on the test. It's that simple. I don't even get why the teachers try to teach class during the last few weeks of school, people never pay attention anyways. The best part though is that the teacher never singles me out for day dreaming because everyone, but one person is doing the same thing. In stead the teachers just yell at us to pay attention as a group.

Then during language, 3rd hour, and boy with brown hair and brown eyes walks in. The teacher stops mid sentence to say, "Well you must be the new kid we were expecting."

Um, we? I know I don't listen to the teacher much, (uh hello? Day dreaming!) but I'm pretty sure I would have heard something about a new kid! Oh who cares that much anyways. I turn back to staring out the window. I don't stare for long because Shelia, the girl I sit next to, elbows me hard in the side.

"Uh, OW!!" I whisper loudly to her.

"Dude, look the new kid is staring at me!" She whispers back to me more secretly than my 'ow.'

I look at the new kid causally, and what do you know, Sheila was right. Well kinda. The part where she as wrong was that he was staring right at me, not her.

"OMG, he's so flipping cute!!" Sheila squeals.

The new kid catches me staring at him and smiles and winks.

"Omigosh, omigish, omigoash! He just winked at me." Sheila says excitedly.

I have a strange feeling if anger all a sudden and a strong urge to say, "Uh, excuuuuse me Sheila, but he just winked at ME!" But I ignored it, because 1) you should NEVER say something like that to Sheila, 2) I would never say that to ANYONE and 3) Sheila was most likely right, he did probably wink and smile at her, because well she was more to smile and wink at than me. Like, come on, Sheila, blonde, green eyes, white teeth, expensive and designer clothes. And me? You ask. Sure I'm blonde, but a golden not a bleach blonde like Sheila, blue eyes, not the rare emerald green, and I was tall, almost freakishly tall. Plus I was super shy, while Sheila was out going and bubbly. Ugh, why do some people have to be so perfect.


The bus ride home always seems torturous to me. So many people. So much noise. Not enough space or quite to move or day dream. In general: The bus sucks. My stop isn't the last ones or the first ones, its stuck some where in the middle. I notice that the new kid is the last person to board the bus. I look around and notice that the only seat that isn't completely filled is mine. Crud.

I squish myself against the window to give him some more room.

"You know in not that fat right?" I hear and amused voice coming next to me.

I start blushing uncontrollably. Crud. Again.

"That was a joke. You know what a joke is right?" The voice says again.

I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. I hear the voice start laughing with me. I can feel everyone one the bus staring at us laughing.

"My stop is the last one, you could have the outside of the seat if you want." The voice informs me.

"No it's fine, I like sitting next to the window. I can see out of it easier that way." I reply.

"So they were right about you liking to stare out the window all the time."

"Yeah well, I can day dream better that way, but in guessing you know that I day dream a lot too, if you already know about the window thing." I blabber. Gosh, what has gotten into me?! I can't even talk right!

"Haha yeah..."

"Hey Jacob, if you want you can come sit by me now, my friend just left so my seat has lots of room now." A voice that everyone knows too well soon says.

"No thanks, I'm fine right here sitting with Jessica, sorry Sheila." The new kid (Jacob?!?!) replies back.

"Oh. Ok then. That's fine." And she turns back around in her seat, but not before she glares at me.

I just turn back to the window ignoring the glare. Getting lost in my day dreams.

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