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I freak out a bit. Cuz, remember the dream? I quickly look around the room for Louis. He was sitting next to Lexie. Thank goodness. I let out a small breath of relief. Phew. That there was a mini heart attack. Ha ha, that's one of their songs.... Ok that was weird. Whatever weird is my life.

"Hi." I say simply, trying to get rid of the awkwardness. No one says anything so I look down at my paddock boots. I guess I never took them off before I fell asleep. Oops. Still silence.

"Awkward silence." I look up to see who said that. I notice everyone is staring at me. I guess I said it.

"Agreed." Jacob seconds. I send him a small smile.

"Who's the girl you brought Justin?" Harry asks. Of course only Harry would ask about a mystery girl.

"My girlfriend, Jenna." He says proudly smiling, holding their intertwined hands up. Jenna smiles a shy smile. I like her already. Jenna is shorter than me by about a foot, Carmel colored hair, petite frame, and dark brown eyes. Pretty in general.

"I'm Jessica." I say to her holding out my hand. She shakes it.

"Hi, I'm Jenna as Justin said." She says with a smile. I laugh.

"I'm Jacob." Jacob says, holding out his hand to her, like I did. They shake hands and smile at each other. The silence comes over us again.

"Well sorry to say this, but I need to go to the stables now." I say with an apologetic look on my face.

"Why don't we all come along?" Justin suggests.

"That's a good idea!" My mother excliams. I guess even my mom was getting tired of the awkwardness.

"Um I guess?" I say a bit hesitantly.

"Great!" My mom says walking into the kitchen. "Oh we all already ate, but we saved you some food."

"Ok," I call after her. "How bout you guys go get ready while I eat?"

"Sure." They say standing up.

"I have some clothes that you could borrow that you could wear to stables. If you would like them." I tell Jenna.

"That would be great." She says looking down at her clothes. She was wearing black skinny jeans, purple T-shirt, and some new looking high tops. I head back up the stairs and she follows me. I head into my room and pull out a pair of jeans that are way to short for me. I have no clue why I even kept them. I had them to her.

"Do you want a shirt?" I ask.

"No I'm fine wearing this." She shakes her head. "Thanks for the jeans."

"Your welcome." I smile at her. I head back down stairs, giving Jenna privacy to change. I go into my families shoe closet and pull out a pair of old tennis shoes around Jenna's size. Still have no idea why we have them. I head into the kitchen and grab a strawberry breakfast bar and the rest of the bacon. What? I love my bacon, but I don't like eating a lot of food for breakfast. I find my denim back back/bag and put three water bottles and four breakfast bars in it. I close my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

"I'm leaving in 8 minutes! I'm not waiting for anyone or anything! So if you aren't dressed yet I suggest you GO, GO, GO!" I shout and wait for everyone to gather.





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