No Riding The Bus Again

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The bell rings and I shove my stuff into my backpack. Yeah, our school lets us carry our backpacks around school to save space, since we don't have lockers. It has ups and downs. I walk out of the classroom and then a hand covers my mouth and a arm wraps around my waist and pulls me to the side.

"Whaf vhe heft?!" I exclaim with the hand still over my mouth.

"What's that little girl? I can't seem to understand you very well with my hand over your mouth." My kidnapper whispers in my ear. I can hear in their voice that they are smirking. I struggle in their grasp.

"Stop struggling." The voice says, tightening their grip on me. I choose one of my last resorts. I bring my leg forwarded and kick backwards. Hard.

"Holy crap! That hurt!" My attacker exclaims and lets go of me. I quickly turn around and it's the curly haired, green eyed guy from 1D.

The rest come around the corner and see their friend holding their shin and me staring angrily at him. They start to laugh.

"Harry! What did you do?!" The one wearing a striped shirt and suspenders asks.

"Scared the crud out of me and was kicked by an angry 16 year old girl." I reply for him. The boys start laughing even harder.

"How did you learn to kick like that?!" Harry(?) exclaims.

"Horseback riding." Was my simple answer.

Horseback riding reminded me of Phantom. Phantom reminded me of Jacob. Aw, crud I forgot to find Jacob!!

"Hey, uh, guys-" I start to say

"Oh my gosh. We never told you our names," the striped shirt guy interrupts me. "I'm Louis, that's Zayn," He points to a guy with black hair up in a quiff. "thats Niall," He points to a guy with blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. "that's Liam," He points to a guy with a buzz cut. "and that there is your kidnapper, Harry." He says with a laugh.

"Look guys, I really have to go and meet my friend, before I miss the bus. So, um, bye!" I say with a small wave goodbye at the end. I start to turn around and walk away when one of them speaks.

"Why don't we come with you, find your friend, give you two a ride home, so no riding the bus." Liam(?) says. I give them a weird look.

"Uh, I don't know. It probably wouldn't be a good idea. I mean how do I know I won't get kidnapped by you guys? How do I even know I can trust you?" I ask them.

"Because," one of them starts, "we're One Direction." They all finish together smiling. I just keep staring at them weirdly.

"Jess? Jessica?" I hear a voice calling my name. I turn around again and see Jacob walking towards me with his signature smile. "Oh there you are."

I can't help but smile back at him.he stops in front of me and pulls me into a hug. Odd.

"Awwww." I hear behind me. I let go of Jacob and turn around to see Liam glaring at Louis, and Harry glaring a bit at Jacob. Odder.

"Hey guys!" Jacob says to the others.

"Hey Jacob." They all chorus, but Harry. Seriously whats up with him?

"He's jealous." Someone whispers in my ear. Crud did I say that out loud?! I look from the corner of my eye to see who replied to me. It was Niall. Was Niall being serious? I mean why would

Harry, a pop star, be jealous of Jacob hugging ME? I was a plain girl, nothing special, and defiantly not as pretty as Sheila. And I was 16, him, 19. In my opinion, I was way too young for him, he too old for me. Odderer.

Then I hear the buses start to leave. Uh oh.

"We'll it seems like you'll have to get a ride from us then huh?" Louis says with a sly smile.

"You guys did this on purpose, didn't you?" I ask them.

"Huh? What? You mean making sure we kept you here talking so you missed your bus and had a real reason for us to give you a ride home? Whaaaaat? We would never..." Louis says still smiling kind of creepily now.

"It's fine these guys wouldn't hurt a fly." Jacob whispers in my ear.

"Ok fine. You guys can give us a ride to my house." I say rolling my eyes.

"Yes!" They all yell jumping in the air and smiling, including Harry.

"Wait Jacob are you going to Jessica's house, or to your own?" Niall asks.

"He's coming to my house." I reply for Jacob. Harry's smile seems to drop a little. Gosh he's starting to make me a mad.

"Ok, let's go then." Liam says. We all walk out the doors and to the guys' car.

"Let's go home!" I shout out.

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