"I doubt that," Chara replied with more than a hint of spite in her voice. "If he truly misses her, then why didn't he try to fulfill her dying wish? Felicia died because she wanted to free the monsters. If Malcom wanted to honor his sister, he would have done everything in his power to break the barrier. Instead, he did the exact opposite of that."

Frisk sighed. "I guess that's a good point." Frisk always tried to see the good in everyone, but Chara had a damning case. Malcom had vigorously opposed all efforts to destroy the barrier. If he cared about his sister, it was hard to imagine him going against her like that.

"I think it's painfully obvious what Malcom is trying to do," Chara said. "Frisk, at the end of the meeting, Malcom warned about 'the next Chara and Asriel,' right?"

Frisk nodded. "Yeah. Even I have to admit, it's scary to think about a monster getting seven human SOULs. When Asriel had that power, he could have destroyed the entire world... Thank God they don't know about that little incident."

"Sorry about that," Asriel apologized, who had been placed on Frisk's nightstand.

Frisk was startled. He hadn't realized Asriel was in the room. "Oh! H-hey, Asriel! I didn't see you there!"

"That's alright, Frisk!" Asriel chirped. "You were too busy flirting with Chara! I get it!"


"Don't you see what's happening?" Chara asked them, trying to stay focused. "Malcom's trying to spread fear among humans. He's doing everything he can to remind everyone why monsters were sealed underground."

Frisk let out a small gasp. No, that couldn't be true, could it?

"Best-case scenario," Chara went on. "Malcom is trying to do just that, send monsters back underground. Worst-case scenario, he's trying to ignite another Human-Monster War, and he wants all monsters to be eradicated."

"But then... what about Boaris?" Frisk asked. "Where does he fit into all this?"

"I don't know," Chara admitted. "It doesn't make sense. I can't figure Boaris out! One day, he wants to tell the whole world how much he loves me, and the next he..." Chara trailed off in thought.

"What is it, Chara?"

"If it weren't for Boaris..." Chara thought. "No one would have recognized me. If it weren't for him, my identity would still be a secret. Frisk... I don't think our encounter with Boaris on the street was an accident. It was set up. He wanted everyone to know I was alive."

Frisk blinked. "But... why would he do that?"

"Frisk..." Chara said solemnly. "Malcom is either trying to banish or destroy all monsters, but there is one thing that stands in his way more than anything. You, Frisk. So many people see you as a hero. As long as everyone loves you so much, Malcom will never be able to do anything to harm monsters. Unfortunately, by resurrecting me, you've given Malcom a golden opportunity. He was able to use my past as a reminder of why humans used to fear monsters, and as a bonus, he was able to shake the public's trust in you, by letting everyone know that you brought back someone who tried to help monsters destroy humanity."

"Wh-why would Boaris help Malcom with that?"

"... I still don't know," Chara muttered in frustration. "I still can't figure out what Boaris's motives are, but whatever it is, he appears to have made some kind of deal with Malcom. Hmm... I suppose... you are a common enemy. Boaris hates humanity, so it's possible that he wants war too. Malcom and Boaris would both need you out of the way to make that happen."

It was safe to say that Frisk found Chara's conjecture troubling. "So... you think a human and a monster are working together... so their races can fight to the death?"

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