Sans listened in silence as Chara's breaths grew heavy, threatening to sob. "But, when Asriel absorbed my soul, I soon realized something: I could control him, to an extent. Control of Asriel's body was split between us. If Asriel put his foot down, I was powerless, but otherwise, I was free to do whatever I wanted. I could do things my way. When Asriel got to the village, I... I wanted to kill them all, before they killed my brother and destroyed my people's chance to reclaim the surface.

"I had no faith that humanity could ever coexist with monsters. Perhaps everything would be fine for a few decades or so, but one day, humanity would remember why they banished monsters, and as much as I hate them, I don't blame them. All it takes is seven souls, and a single monster could easily destroy all of humanity. How could they possibly be expected to coexist?

"Of course, Asriel refused. He took my body to the center of the village, just so he could take me to the golden flowers, and then the humans saw him. They attacked him without mercy. They thought he had killed me. Hmph, now they cared about me. I begged Asriel to fight back, but he didn't. Even as the humans mortally wounded him, he just smiled, picked my body back up, and left the village, and h-he," her voice cracked, "he d-died because of me. He died because of my stupid plan, my hatred for humanity, and it's a-all my f-fault!"

Sans continued to sit in silence as Chara sobbed, her tears spilling onto the table. Flowey held her shoulder, even though he should have hated her for what she did.

"Wow," Sans eventually said, "that's quite the story. Though, I'm not sure what you hope to gain by telling me."

"I just felt like I should tell you."

"What do you want me to say? That you're a horrible murderer? A psycho? Or do you want me to console you? Tell you that you've changed?"

"I don't really care."

"Well," Sans said, "here's my judgement. For starters, it sounds like you were a pretty bad person."

"Heh, yeah."

"You tried to make your own brother kill many, many people. No matter what the reason, that's messed up. Still, in the end, the only person you killed was yourself, and maybe Asriel. But honestly? That one's on the humans. So, it seem to me like... you pretty much suck at being evil."


Sans winked. "Honestly, it's super embarrassing. You brought Asriel all the way there, but you couldn't get him to murder even a single person. But maybe... that's what you'd be better at? Not killing anyone? Crazy idea, huh? Let me know how that one goes."

Chara stared at Sans with a bewildered expression on her face. After a while, she started laughing. "Pfft, ha... hahaha! That's your judgement? I suck?"

"Yep," Sans answered. "Though, I do have a couple questions. Of all the ways to kill yourself, why buttercups? That sounds quite painful."

She nodded. "Yeah, it was. I don't really know why. It just seemed fitting."

"I suppose it may have made Asriel feel more guilty, making him more likely to go along with the plan."

She frowned. "Maybe that was part of it..."

"Though, here's the question that really matters. If given the chance, would you do it again?"

Chara shook her head. "No, I know better now. That said, I'm still not fond of humanity, and I'm terrified we might have another war on our hands."

Sans nodded. "Yeah, I won't judge you for that, but you like Frisk, don't you?"

For just a moment, Chara smiled. "Yeah... When Frisk woke me up, I was so confused. I knew that Frisk's power had somehow awakened me, but... why? Our plan had failed, hadn't it? Why was a failure like me brought back to life? What was the purpose of my reincarnation? I'm... still not sure. I should be dead.

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