Chara bowed. "Greetings. I am Chara."

Mettaton was shocked. "Wait... Chara?! As in... THE Chara?!"

Chara nodded.

"So, let me make sure I've got this right," Mettaton said. "Frisk, not only have you found Asriel, but somehow, you've also resurrected Chara?"

"That's right," Frisk answered.

"Well, this is just FABULOUS!" Mettaton exclaimed. "I wouldn't believe it coming from anyone else, but if YOU said it, then it must be true! The whole royal family is back! And as if you haven't done enough for us already, Frisk! You truly are the Hero of Monsters!"

Frisk couldn't help but blush. "Ah... it was nothing. Asriel was the one who saved me."

"Are you saying... Asriel helped save you from those vile terrorists who kidnapped you?"

Frisk nodded.

"I LOVE IT!" Mettaton screamed. "You'll have to tell me more later, but even I know that I'm not the one running this show." Mettaton addressed the crowd that was swarming everyone. "Beauties! I know you're thrilled to see our prince again, but give him some space! Let him see his father!"

The monsters obeyed. They spread out and talked amongst themselves.

"Wow..." Frisk was surprised. "That was thoughtful of you, Mettaton!"

"I can't wait to broadcast Asgore's reunion with his children!"

"Ah, there it is."

Free of the mob, Toriel and Asriel rejoined Frisk and Chara.

"Glad that's over," Asriel said. "I... wasn't ready for that."

"...Are you ready to see Dad?" Frisk asked him.

"As ready as I'll be, I guess."

Asgore wasn't hard to spot. Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and Toriel steeled themselves, and they approached Asgore. Asgore's eyes widened as he saw Asriel and Chara.

"My children..." Asgore muttered. "Asriel, is it true? Is that really you?"

"...Yes," Asriel admitted.

"And Chara...?"

"It is," Chara told him.

Asgore's eyes soon glistened with his tears. "I cannot believe... This cannot be real..."

"Yeah, Mom – along with anyone sane – thought the same thing," Asriel said. "But... it's really us."

Asgore's tears started falling. "Asriel... Chara... Ever since you died, all I ever wanted was to see you again."

Asriel made an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Dad, but I can't really get emotional right now."

"Yes... Alphys told me as much... but she did not mention Chara."

"I'm sorry," Chara apologized. "Neither of us wanted you to know. We were soulless, and we didn't want to break your heart. We thought it would be better if you just forgot about us."

"I understand," Asgore said. "However, I am glad that you told me. These are tears of joy, not sorrow. Even if you cannot love, I am glad to see you again."

Asriel sighed. "I know..."

"But, Chara," Asgore said. "If you have your body back, then... do you have a SOUL?"

Chara's eyes widened. She whispered to Frisk. "What do we tell him?"

Frisk didn't want to lie to his father. "Yes, Chara has a SOUL."

Frisk: God of the Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें