Sans looked at Toriel like she was crazy. "Uh... what?"

Asriel and Chara both looked nervous.

"Hey! I know you!" Papyrus told Asriel. "Fl... Flow... Flowery, right?"

"Um... yeah," Asriel said. "That's me. I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower."

"No, you're Asriel!" Frisk insisted. He felt hurt. Asriel had promised not to give up! Why couldn't Asriel accept that he was still Asriel?

"Hey... Tori..." Sans said. "Last I heard, your son was a goat, not a flower..."

"I wanna be a flower!" Papyrus exclaimed. "Teach me!"

"No," Asriel sad. "No, you don't. Trust me."

"Seriously, how could that possibly be Asriel?" Sans persisted.

Asriel looked especially nervous around Sans. "It's c-complicated..." he answered. "You know how at funerals we spread the dead's dust on their favorite object so their essence will live on inside that object? It's kind of like that, except I'm in a flower, and I have enough determination to keep living."

"Huh..." Sans said. "You know... you look familiar to me, too."

Asriel shuddered.

Sans dimmed his eyes and stared at Asriel. "Hmm... that expression..."

"Wh-what about it?"

"S-Sans, what are you doing?" Frisk cut in. "You're scaring him."

"...Ah, nothing," Sans said. The light returned to his eyes. Frisk wasn't sure what that was about.

"So, the new human's your child too?" Papyrus asked Toriel. "Is she a clone of Frisk?"

Chara introduced herself. "Greetings. I am Chara. I am not... a clone of Frisk, but Toriel is my adoptive mother. Long ago, she and Asgore adopted me into their family. They raised me alongside Asriel as if I were their own child, but then I... died of a terminal illness. However, Frisk's determination was able to awaken me from death."

"Well..." Sans said. "I guess you can say that Frisk de-terminated you!"

Everyone but Papyrus laughed... a little.

"Sans! Even for you, that was weak!" Papyrus yelled. "Let's just introduce ourselves to the nice human, okay?"

"I'm sorry, where are our manners?" Sans apologized. "Hey, Chara. I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton."

"And I'm the Great Papyrus!" Papyrus exclaimed.

Chara bowed. "I am honored to make your acquaintance."

Frisk noticed something unusual about Chara's tone. She was acting extremely formal, using a style of speech not unlike Toriel's. Chara was normally playful and carefree around Frisk, but now she seemed the opposite of that. Maybe that's how she was around strangers... It was also really cute...

Sans laughed. "Kid, I know you're royalty, but you don't have to act all fancy around friends!"

"My apologies," Chara replied.

"Don't worry, kid," Sans told her. "Any friend of Frisk is a friend of mine! You don't have to act all dead serious."

Chara made a faint smile. "Heh, okay. I'll try to liven up."

Sans looked pleased; Papyrus did not.

"NO! WHY...?!" Papyrus grieved. "Well, despite your encouragement of my brother's terrible sense of humor, new friends are always welcome! I'll have to make you some spaghetti sometime!"

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