Chapter 11

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I waited outside the bathroom and Adam told me when he came out that i would sit with him at lunch. The rest of the day went alright. I thought it was okay. I got a lot of glares from people but no one hunted me because I was with Adam.

Adam dropped me off at home and I invited him in, hoping that no one was at home. Instead, everyone was home which was inconvenient because Adam was with me. They were all sat in the living room and when they saw Adam, their faces sort of lit up. I needed to use the toilet so I left Adam in the living room whilst I headed to the bathroom. When I came back, Adam was gone. 

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"He went home, he said he had to pick up his sister from school," Tyler said.

"He said to tell you he wants to go on a date with you!" Stacey squealed. 

"What?" I asked.

Why would he do that? It doesn't make sense. 

"Oh god Nicole, I'm so happy. Adam's a decent guy. Stacey, aren't you going out with Tyler to the cinemas tonight?" Mum exclaimed.

Tyler and Stacey have been together for ages. They got the cutest couple in the yearbook which was true. Tyler is a nice guy and he treats Stacey well.

"Mum, I told him I couldn't go out because me and Nicole are going shopping now." Stacey wailed.

Dad came and gave me and Stacey some money and told us to treat ourselves. I grabbed my shoes and coat and Stacey and I headed out.

She was alone. She was hated. He was tormented from his past. She needed him. He needed her. For she was slowly dying ...


Am I going too fast though????

I feel really bad for Nicole and anyone else who's going through the same thing as her.

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