thirty two

18 1 0

_________jungkook pov______

When I turned the TV on, I saw the familiar face in the screen and I recognized that it was hyerim's father, I met him that day in her house, he was going on an interview and the announcement shocked me, I didn't know that he's a member of the parliament , why I didn't ask her?!
Somehow I didn't care, I was about to stand up and leave the room, when she suddenly run away, I was about to run after her but taehyung ran first, I just sat back on my place, when taehyung suddenly back to the room...

Hobi: what's going on?!
Taehyung: aniii, but she suddenly run away, I think she's not awake...
Namjoon: why!!, do you know something?!
Taehyung: anii...
Jungkook: it was her father..

I said playing with my phone in my hands, still wondering why he would quit his job like that...

Taehyung: what?!
Namjoon: really?! We didn't know that!!
Suga: but why he would quit his job like that!! It's not like he was in a scandal or something...
Jin: right...

They were all wondering and I was too, why the fuck do I care...

_______hyerim pov________

I followed Me choi, until he gets to his office, I wasn't able to get in..I was thinking of a way to do it, I need to get in that office first, but how?!!

I stayed in the car for a while and it seems like it going to take some time for him to get out of was around 11 am, and I felt hungry...

Why the hell my stomach do this to me in serious situations like that...

No, I won't lose any chance today..
I stayed in the car for Another hour, and I suddenly jumped from my seat when I saw him leaving his office​ towards his car, he looked around and I bowed down avoiding his looks.
I put my hand on my steering wheel and turned my key, I was driving behind him.
Mr choi parked next to a restaurant, I think someone is waiting for him to have lunch together.. do I stay here?!
No, what if something happens inside?!
I was hesitating to go, but I did. I put on my black snapback and run there, I entered slowly and stood by the door, i checked the restaurant carefully, but I didn't find Mr choi around, where did he go?! .
I got scared a bit thinking that he will see me,but finally he walked out from the bathroom towards a table, where there was a guy, a young one, the idea of another worker to Mr choi popped in my head, I put my head down and put my hand on my snapback pulling it down, and walked to the table behind them, I set where my back was facing Me choi back, I was trying to focus on the conversation, when someone knocked on my tablet slightly, I raised my head to see the server smiling ,I think she was talking to me but I didn't hear her...I was hungry, but wtf? This is a luxury restaurant, I didn't have enough money, omg I'm starving... I told her to give me some water, she bowed and I turned my intention to the conversation again...
*Did you bring it..?!*
*Next time if you take that long in doing your work, you know what will happen*
* I'm sorry, my mom was sick and I didn't....*
*Forget about it..., Give it to me*
* Here's it*

I heard as he was trying to open the envelope.
*But sir why you didn't let me send it via email?!* The guy said.
*Shut up, it's not save anymore*

What the hell he is giving him?!

*Did you pictured everything?!*
*Yes sir*
*Even the face of his girl*
*Yes sir, but jin was trying to cover her so I didn't take much pictures of her*
*You're stupid, never mind, I'm going now, don't dare to tell anyone about this*
*You don't have copies of this anywhere, right*
*Yes sir, I don't*

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