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_________ Hyerim POV________
I was eating before I heard jimin talking, raised my head still chowing my food....
Jimin:. Are you crazy?!
Jungkook: why hyung?! What's wrong?!
Jimin: you're laughing to yourself right now?!
Jungkook: anii , I didn't!!
Namjoon: I saw it too , what are you thinking about?!
Taehyung: did you remember something funny, tell me , I want to laugh too
Jungkook: aniyo hyung.
Jimin: you were laughing like you remembered your girlfriend *laughing*
Jungkook: oh really?!! Mianeh

Jungkook said laughing, I got a mini heart attack, he has one already?!
I felt like sad, my bias is dating, I got the army feelings, I should be happy for him instead, but I just felt sad, I put my head down pretending that I didn't hear anything, I drunk a cup of water and my phone rang, I held it to see the caller , it was woohyun.

I answered the call
Woohyun: hello
Hyerim:hello, ooh woohyun ah~~*
Woohyun: hyerim aah~, I'll be opening my photography studio tommorow .
I was happy for woohyun , I stood up from the table knowing that I will be annoying talking to the phone there, I excused myself, hobi nodded to me , I walked to the hallway​.

Woohyun: ooh chinchaaa, I will be happy if you will be here with me.
Hyerim: woohyun ah~, actually I didn't tell you about something yet, I will tell you with soeun when I back, but for now I'm in Japan I don't think I can be there until Monday, I'm sorry woohyun
Woohyun: yeah yeah, it's okay, I just wanted to inform you about that, I hope you have fun there hyerim, call me when you come, I want you to visit I asap
Hyerim: arasso, I will, take care idiot, I'm hanging off
Woohyun: ooh okay take care too, bye.

At my last sentence with woohyun, I saw jungkook opening the door of the hallway, he just passed by me without any glance or words, I felt invisible. He took the elevator to where his room. What's wrong with him?!
I went back to the others and I sat down with them again.
__________ Jungkook POV______
I was sitting on the table after I suddenly Lost my appetite, I didn't feel okay, I chatted with jimin a bit,

Why is she taking Along time, is that call very important?!!

I don't know why but I felt annoyed, I think they should put a new rule about not answering personal calls during work trips.
I felt like sleeping, I excused myself  and walked off ,
I opened the door of the hallway, I saw her leaning on the wall chuckling, I decided just to pass by, she's talking on the phone anyway, I went to the elevator, and head to my room.

I jumped on the bed...
It's early, I can't sleep now,
Should I do a v Live  vidéo ?!

....nah, I don't have what to talk about.

I stood up and started to dance in front of the mirror, practicing the cheographies alone, then I get down to the ground and did some push ups.
I got up after feeling tired so I got in the bathroom to take a shower.

____________hyerim POV________

I was about to go to my room when MiSOo unnie called me suddenly..
MiSOo: lee hyerim
Hyerim: neaa unnie?!
Misoo: I think jungkook left his phone here during dinner, can you take it to him, your room is next to his room.
Hyerim: okay no problem.

I didn't know that his room is next mine, I took the phone and went to the elevator. When I got to the floor where's the rooms...
But which room is actually his room now???!!??
I forget to ask unnie about that, mine is 206 and obviously there are two rooms next mine, I unlocked my phone and called her.

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