thirty one

23 2 0

*anyong woohyun aah~~* I greeted my friend smiling, he was already busy working, it's getting better everyday, I started to see many professional models here, i waited there looking at the models taking their shot perfectly..
Hyerim:  ooh wait , I think if you move your hair to this side is better..

I run there and fixed it, woohyun took the picture and showed it to us,

Woohyun: waah, you really unbelievable hyerim.

I just smiled at him and set back,he finished and all the stuff we're taking a break, he sat down next to me and we started to chat...

Woobyun: do you feel better today?
Hyerim: yeah.. I'm fine . thank you..

I pinched his cheeks.

Woohyunyaah, it hurts..ey..
Hyerim: *Lol* mianeh
Woohyun: but... hyerim aah~> emm you know I want to ...
Hyerim: I want to know what happened ..
Woohyun: yes.
Hyerim: shortly, taehyung caught me on the phone with the bastard, and Jungkook came in and he immediately told me to get off his life, because I'm just another stupid... sasaeng.
Woohyun:  what?! Waaah this guy really needs a punch in the face ..I'm gonna beat his ass .and k.....
Hyerim: anii woohyun ah~, he's right anyway, I'm just a sasaeng..I...u know..all the past things..
Woohyun: hyerim, you love him, this is not r.....
Hyerim: I know, I do know, but.. it's just... I'm not going to be selfish more than that..
Woohyun: hyerim aah~.. you're giving up!!?
Hyerim: Ani, but sometimes we love people we can't have..I will make him forgive me before I Live..
Woohyun: how!!?
Hyerim: hmm I don't know either*sigh*
Woohyun: *sigh*
Hyerim: so, I'm leaving now, see you after tomorrow.
Woohyun: where are you going?!
Hyerim: company!
Woohyun: no, you ain't going there any more.
Hyerim: what was that?!.
Woohyun: the doctor said that, you should not be around the same atmosphere again or....
Hyerim: I'm fiiine. Really, don't worry.
Woohyun: but...
Hyrime: I said I'm okay woohyun, I'm lee hyerim you know, I'm gonna be okay :)
Woohyun: "sigh" okay then make sure to keep your phone with you, if you didn't feel well, call me. Arasso..
Hyerim: arasoo , byeee~~~
I stood in front of the building, I didn't feel well,my body was shaking, and I was scared if my tears fell in the wrong moment, I was about to ran away, but I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and walked.
I heard noises from the inside of the room, they must be telling jokes..i was scared if I ruin the if I enter.
I opened the door slowly and get in, they all looked at me, I froze for a moment, jungkook turned the TV on like I'm invisible. Hobi suddenly jumped and hugged me * aigoo dongsaeng, I didn't see you the whole week* he was normal, * hyerim aah~, I heard you were sick, do you feel better?!* Jin asked smiling. I nodded shyly still feeling weird about it, why they didn't tell them yet?!, I looked at taehyung and he looked at me but changed his gaze to the mirror ignoring me, I felt my heart aching inside ,I had a huge urge to cry, but I forced my tears to stay inside.
The boys started to get ready and I was helping misoo unnie.
MiSOo: hyerim aah~, fix jungkook jacket..
I looked at her but I couldn't refuse.. it's work after all..
Hyerim: o..oh~~.
I walked towards jungkook and tried to touch the tip of the jacket, but he suddenly turned pulled my hand away strongly which made me fall on the ground * misoo noona, I'm okay* he said.. jimin ran to me and helped me , but the others were confused * jungkook, what was that?!*
Jin spoke to jungkook, but I quickly stood up. *Anii I just twisted my foot* I said with a red face, my arm hurted me. Jungkook didn't bother to look back..
Namjoon: jungkook, pd Nim said he wants to talk to you about your photoshoot after tomorrow..
Jin: yaah look at him modeling..
Namjoon: but ,you weren't late last time right?!.
Jungkook:  noo, how can I let my lover wait for me?!.

THE SASAENG जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें