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They walked off, the silent was filling the area again, I held my hand to wipe my tears. But I was shocked when I saw blood in my hand. I was looking in my hands when someone grabbed my wrist pulling me away ....
Hyerim: slow down, you're hurting me
He stopped pulling when I said..
*Sit here* he said , I sat down touching my wrist where he was holding it, his hand was strong.
*Don't go anywhere I'll back* he said.
I stayed there for a couple of minutes until I saw him walking towards me again. He sat next to me.
* Look at me lee hyerim* he said and I turned my face to him. He held my chin and started to clean my cheek.
*Ouch! It hurts*
* You see idiot, you even hurt yourself and you don't care about it*
*I didn't feel it until now*
*Yeah I know, just let me treat it*

I didn't move, I let jungkook do what he wants, he was cleaning the wound in my cheek, after that he blows lightly in the wound, my eyes fixed on his face, he was too close looking at the wound blowing lightly on it so it can hurt less, he continues while I was admiring his face, he looked at my eyes * better??!*.
I smiled at him * thank you jungkook ah~*
* Don't let yourself hurt anymore, I can't take care of you always*
He took the ointment and pres on it, he took a drop on his finger.
*Don't move* he asked holding my chin, he put the ointment on my wound lightly and I closed my eyes because it was tingling me,
* Does it hurt?!* He asked
* Aniyoo* I said.
He blows lightly in the wound again, then he took a small plaster and put it on my cheek
Jungkook: kkeut ( done)
He said putting his hands on his thighs looking at me * it will heal soon*
Hyerim: gomawo jungkook ah~ ( thanks)
He smiled shaking left right * aniyaa, now go watch your hands and back I'll be here*

I nodded as I walked to the bathroom​, I washed my hands and in my way back I saw jimin and taehyung with jungkook. I walked​ there.
Taehyung : are you okay?!
Hyerim: yes don't worry.
Jimin: I'm sorry about that, jhope didn't mean to h....
I cuted him
Hyerim: araa, don't worry, I know, it's okay I'm fine, you guys should go and check on him.
Taehyung: ooh~~ right, namjoon hyung just called us .
Jungkook: you'll be fine going home alone?!
Hyerim: yes , don't worry just hurry and go.
Jimin: come on guys, hyerim take care.
Hyerim: you too , update me if something happens.

They ran down, I watched them from up above as they got out the company directly to the black car. I was walking down to go home, until I saw a familiar face walking into the building, he looked so confident, his glasses on his head, his hands on his pocket and his small pack around his neck. He was looking left right, then he looked up, I hide myself quickly behind the wall.

What the fuck that bastard is doing here??!

after seconds I took a look and he looks at other corner *he didn't see me*
It's clearly his first time inside the building. He must not see me here or I'm dead, he walked somewhere, I wanted to ran off the building but I couldn't fight the urge if knowing what he came to do here...
I started to follow him around, in every step he took,my heart was skipped a beat in each time he turned around, I was so careful.
He knocked on a door, the door opened and he entered
* CEO office*
I went closer, the door was slightly opened, I can see him seeing on the larg black couch, spreading his hands.

*Why you called me so suddenly after years , PD-NIM* Me choi asked with sarcasm.
* I know it's you behind all thouse stupid stuff on the internet*
* So what, what you can do about it?!*
*You know well what I can do Mr choi*
* what you can do after you didn't want me to be here , in this large luxurious building ??!*
* You really don't know?!*
* I don't know, tell me * ( laughing)

The CEO put down some papers on the table showing it to Mr choi.
I saw as Me choi just laughed.
* Aaah you mean this?! You know well what will happen to your boys if you think of doing something with this, what you see in the internet are not everything, you know about it when .....*
The CEO cuted him * SHUT UP*
* Don't dare to reveal that or else you'll be in jail*
Mr choi: now you know how things work pd-nim, our conversation is done here.

The CEO remind silent, so actually that bastard have more hidden pictures or informations about BTS and he even threatening the CEO, but from what I got, there's a strong Evidence against Mr choi which gonna lead him to jail.

Mr choi stood up and walked towards the door, I moved quickly and hide myself behind the wall trying to not make any slight noise, I saw him as he walked away the other way..
I went to the hall way and watched him getting out of the building. He get in his car and drove off.

Asshole, just wait, I swear I'll make you pay for everything.

I ran out after I saw him getting away, I took a taxi to home.
It's so early, my dad isn't home yet.
I went to the kitchen and prepared a sandwich, then I went to my room, I sat on my bed and sighed thinking how hobi is doing. I leaned down.

I'm such a horrible person mom, I can't stop, and I can't run away, sometimes I just wish I can follow you there, put I'm scared of my sins.

A tear left my eye, I felt so lonely even though I have many people around.

I opened my eyes and left my body up.

But mom, I'm not gonna do that anymore, I won't hurt anyone anymore.

I said, hoping that mom we'll hear me , and forgive me for making her disappointed for having a daughter like me.

I'm sorry mother.


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