twenty five

36 3 1

"opening the door of the dressing room*
Hobi: waah, we did a great job over there..
Namjoon: I really really love it, did you guys hear how the armys we're singing, damn..
Jimin: i held a fan's hand and she suddenly screamed, I was in shock ..
Jungkook: you always do that hyung..
Jimin: what's wrong with that?! They're loving it.
Jin: let's just hurry up guys I need to go back to the dorm as you know.
Suga: im dread tired too, I need to sleep.
Taehyung: but jin hyung isn't going to sleep , he's going to...
Suga: do you think I'm stupid?!
Taehyung: joesonghabnida
Jungkook:. But where's hyerim and noona?!

I was between the audience to take pictures as always, but when I tried to return after jungkook finished I stucked between the crowd because they were heading to the outside. I really struggled to pass which takes me a long time to return.
I saw as misoo was running in the back stage looking for me, as i finally pushed some fans and run back there.
MiSOo:  yaah where were you?!
Hyerim: I'm sorry unnie, you know how much I hate it through the small screen inside,I couldn't pass because of the fans.
MiSOo:  yeah yeah , now hurry help me to hold the stuff back to the dressing room because they're alot and I couldn't do it alone.
Hyerim: arasso let's go..

I ran with misoo, she gave me a bunch of clothes and things to hold, while she held some boxes, we walked to the dressing room where the boys were, misoo was walking slowly so i was trying to open the door, I felt like the stuff are going to fall from my hands as they were alot, I knocked the door but the noise coming from inside was high so I guess they didn't hear me, I leaned my head on the door trying to hold all the things in my hands when someone suddenly opened it from the inside and I lost my balance, I dropped some of the stuff * aigoo be careful hyerimie , you almost fell*
Jimin said holding the other Stuff from the ground.
* Who are you calling hyerimie hyung* jungkook said, *ooh~~, miahne you jealous stuff* jimin replied laughing and I smiled to jungkook...
Taehyung:  hyerima aah~ , you dropped your phone, it's fine .... But..... Jungkook aah ~~ did you photoshoot to outside in the early morning?!
Jungkook: anii hyung . Why?!

I was looking for my phone when taehyung told me that I dropped it, I was walking towards him to bring it but he was looking at my screen, i thought he was checking if I broke it but when he asked jungkook about the photoshoos, I skipped a beat
I'm putting the picture that I took of jungkook as my wallpaper. Omg
Namjoon walked towards him to check but I run to taehyung as stole my phone from his hands..
*Ooh~~~ Tha .. thank you ~~*
*You're welcome , but, this picture is...*
*Ooh come on come on, you need to change your clothes now..*
I started to talk trying to change the subject making him forget, but he was giving me weird looks.
I excused myself​ for a while and I went to another room to upload jungkook's pictures, I have to do it to not lose my fans, I've been always the first to upload the pictures.
I hide my camera in my bag and went back to the room..
Jin: waaah jungkook, your fan is no joke..
Jimin: waah deabaaak , we just ended the concert, deabaaak..
Jungkook: let me check..
Hobi: waah, I really want to follow her but we can't ...
Suga:  I don't trust fans alot nowadays, somehow I feel her like a sasaeng , boy , she's following you everywhere..
Namjoon: hyung, stop it, we must appreciate what fans are doing..
Taehyung: yeah , jungkook got a chance to model because of her...

I was just watching as they talk , I cleared my throat and walked to misoo pretending like nothing happened..misoo said we finished the work and asked me to to the car , she will follow with the others..I took my stuff and walked off the room in the hallway..

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