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I opened my eyes after feeling​ a drop of tears on my cheek, I held my phone again and sighed deeply, I put it down and took a look out side to check for jin, I saw his car in the same place, I glanced at the white house, no moves, I fixed my position on my seat, and I hold my food again, I grabbed the kimbap triangle and bite it  *God , I was starving* I turned on BTS music, and took another bite, I stopped chowing for a while, my mouth was full , I felt like shit.
I felt like an hypocrite asshole, how dare I listen to BTS while I'm causing them troubles and scandals, I have no shame really.. I turned the music off. I finish the kimbap and I took another one, I was chowing like a pig, after I took the last bite , my mouth was still full, I opened the small bottle of water and stared to drink, but I suddenly I threw all the water on my car class shocked * dayuuum , camera camera, I held my camera and let it took billions of Jin's pictures kissing and bying his girl, * omg jin, what was that, unbelievable* I looked at the pictures * perfect* I noticed myself after jin ran his car, I ran my car too and followed him. He backed home, I didn't take any pictures of that because it seem like nothing. I Parked far a bit from the dorm and sighed
* What kind troubles I'm getting myself into?*
Suddenly I remembered the other members "swallowing"  I got mini heart attack thinking if jungkook has a girlfriend.
*Shake it off​, shake it off...firee eo eo. Bow wow wow , geu soneul naemireojwo save me save me
I need your love before I fall, fall*
* I'm hallucinating really ..*

I hold my phone to see the clock
5:09 pm. I put it down on the seat next to me. I glanced around the street one last time, I guess others won't come early, I decided to back home, I got some pictures anyway, I drove off to home
I entered​ my home, I called my dad but he wasn't there, I guess he didn't back home yet, I put my things on the ground and I went to the kitchen, I took a glass of water, and here's the guilty feeling visiting me again, I don't want to ruin Jin's life, I don't want to cause  any scandals to the boys, but bastard choi won't leave us alone.
I took my things from the group and head to my room, I went to the bathroom then I changed to my pajamas, I tied up my hair to a messy bun, and I threw myself in my comfy bed. * So much better, I can stay in my room forever *
I looked at the roof for some minutes then I stood up to bring my pc.
I sat on my bed and put it on my lap and turned it on and started to surf everywhere

On Twitter, I'm receiving comments on my jungkook pictures, even myself​ I think it's perfect * swaeg*. I took photography lessons before and I learned all Technics, well after I take pictures, of course I have to make some light edits to make it look more beautiful, and since my dad is so called rich, I follow jungkook everywhere, concerts, meetings, fansigns, radios, like everywhere, but now it's not about getting only beautiful pictures only, I officially getting the personal informations, and I use anyway to do it. I won't lie if I say I'm kinda enjoying​ it, being around them all Time while nobody really notice, I just admire jungkook non stop, omg my hearteuuuuu.

I scrolled down my tweeter feeds to see the pictures there, Mr choi got no patience, he is putting oil to the fire, people didn't forgot about the previous posts and he just published that today. Bastard. Only God knows​ how much I hate him.

I saw the comment, I felt guilty. I have nothing to do. *Fuck it*


*You backed* suga said to jin after he got home , * oh yeah, where's the others??* Jin answered
* They didn't back yet, hyung did you see it?*
*See what??*
* Tweeter posts*
* I didn't check today, what's happened* jin said and took a sit on the sofa , suga leaned back and put his hands on his face , jin looks at him confused before he opened his mouth shoked * what the hell is that ?*
Suga turned off his phone and stood up walking left right while his hands on his neck * I don't know hyung , I don't know, someone saw you or followed you, you had to be careful, we're already getting through alot lately* suga hited the wall with a punch from the anger.
Jin was still seeing the pictures and comments, a sad look was in his eyes thinking about Maya, he felt sorry for putting her in such things. The fans are commenting about the kiss and it seems like they don't really supporting it. Jin just turned off his phone and leaned back closing his eyes about to cry.
At that moment the others just opened the door * we're home* their laughter was filling the silent

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