Fight and he hits you//Requested

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You had gotten a call from your friend, asking if you wanting to have a girls night out with some friends. Considering the fact you were always working, you jumped on the invite. Harris was in the kitchen, but you hesitated to tell him you were going out tonight. He would always get angry because of his jealousy. The floors creaked as you tip-toed into the kitchen.

“Hey, love. So I’ve been thinking, we should have a night in, just me and you.”

“Harris, I, uh, already have plans tonight.” The words slurred out slowly as his face dropped into a scowl.

“With who?”

“Me and some friends were gonna have a girls night, they haven’t seen me in ages and we’re just going out to dinner and a movie.” You twirled your fingers together as Harris’s fists tightened. “I won’t be out late! I promise.” Harris calmed down.

“Fine, but don’t stay out too late. I don’t want anything happening to you.”

“I’ll be home around midnight.” His lips curled into a smile and you ran up to give him a hug. You quickly got into the shower, washing your body under the lukewarm water. Once you were out you slipped into a casual dress and went to dry your hair. You heard a vibration from across the bathroom and reached for your phone.


“Hey girl! When are you going to be leaving?”

“I’m almost ready, I just need to finish my makeup.”

“Alright, well we’re all at the restaurant so just meet us here.”

“Alright, I’ll see you soon!” You ended the call and threw your phone into your bedroom. Rushing through your hair, you quickly curled the ends and shuffled through your cabinets looking for your makeup bag. Once you were ready you headed towards your car, passing Harris sitting in the living room.

“Alright, I’m leaving. I’ll call you once dinners over and I’ll be home around midnight.”

“Okay, babe. Have fun tonight.” You kissed his cheek and rushed out the door. 

You spent the rest of the night having an amazing time with some of your best friends. Everything was going great. Dinner ran a bit longer than expected but it wasn’t a big deal to you, you were just happy to be out. After dinner you walked to the closest cinema to see Magic Mike. The movie ended so you said your goodbyes and headed towards your car. 

“1:47? It can’t be that late,” you whispered to yourself. “I better call Harris.” You pulled your phone out of your cluttered purse and turned it on. *Battery Dead*. “You’re kidding me right? Fuck, Harris’s gonna kill me.” You turned your car on and rushed home, hoping Harris would be passed out on the couch. Walking up to the front door, you pulled out your house key and quietly slipped it into the key slot. You tip-toed into the hall, slipping your shoes off. You managed to get to the kitchen before you were caught. 

“It’s 2am.”

“I know, I’m really sorry. Dinner ran later than we thought it would.”

“You could have called. I stayed up waiting for you like an idiot.” His eyes were full of anger, his jaw was clenched tight.

“Harris, my phone died when I got out of the movie. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry doesn’t always fucking cut it Eisha. How do I know you weren’t out with some other guy?” You were hurt. The fact he thought you would ever cheat on him killed you. He’s everything you have and he just ripped a hole in your heart.

“Do you honestly think I’m cheating on you? Really, that’s the first thing your mind goes to when i’m late?”

“You were two hours late. What the hell am I supposed to think?”

“I don’t know, maybe what I just told you! Dinner ran late, you can call any of the girls and they’ll tell you the same thing.” 

“I shouldn’t have to.”

“Oh, so when I’m late I’m cheating, but when you’re home late it isn’t a big deal?”

“That’s different.” You were furious.

“Okay, Harris whatever. Have a nice fucking life thinking like that.” You turned to walk away but you felt a tight pressure around your arm. Looking down you saw Harris grabbing you tight. “Let go!” He pulled you closer to him but you tried to push away. 

“We’re not done talking.”

“Yes we are, now let go of me!” The pressure around your arm got tighter, fighting back wasn’t working. You dug your nails into his skin trying to escape.

Suddenly, you were knocked to the ground, a burning sensation across your face. You raised your hand to the giant mark on your face. Tears started rolling down your cheeks. You were confused, not sure of what just happened. You examined your body, looking at the ring around your arm, forming a dark purple bruise.

“Eis-Eisha, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!” You picked yourself up, trying to stay tough.

“If this is how you settle problems then I don’t think I want to be with you.” It was all a lie. You wanted to be with Harris more than anything.

“No, I promise this is a one time thing! My jealousy took over. It will never happen again.” You shook your head, hugging your stomach tight. Harris reached out, pulling you into his warm embrace. 

“Never again?” you quivered.

“Never again.”



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